Why Michael Brown Got Shot

Posted on the 12 August 2015 by Calvinthedog

Punching the cop in the face and trying to grab the cop’s gun is what got him shot the first time. Then he ran away from the cop, stopped, turned around and charged at the cop like a bull as fast as he could. Multiple shots were not stopping him and it took three full volleys to stop him. That’s why so many shots were unloaded.

Michael Brown showing off his bling bling.

Wilson absolutely did not shoot at Brown as he was running away. In fact, Wilson left the vehicle with his gun pointed at the ground, yelling at Brown to stop. He also waited a bit of time after Brown started bull-charging him until he fired his weapon for the first time. Some of the witnesses were surprised that he waited as long as he did. One witness, who is Black, said she would not have waited so long to shoot him.

Michael Brown pretending to smoke a joint. He titled this post gangbangsters, “I play with society,” and high with gangbangsters.”

After Brown ran away, he stopped and turned around to face Wilson. For about one second, he did seem to put his hands up over his head. But then he took them down, put his arms at his sides, and charges the officer like a football player going for a tackle. The fact that he did raise his hands to surrender momentarily is probably why the line got started that Wilson shot him with his hands up.

Brown showing off a Trayvon Martin style hoodie.

The witnesses were very brave. Pro-Brown people were going around afterwards looking for witnesses. One Black man who saw the whole thing said he would tell them what he saw, but he didn’t think they wanted to hear it. Then they started cursing at him. They were trying pretty hard to wrangle some pro-Brown witness statements out of people.

Michael Brown selfie shows him “busting a cap”: pretending to shoot a gun.

One of the witnesses said he was scared to meet with the officers to tell his story because there is “Snitches get stitches” graffiti all over the neighborhood. He was afraid of being attacked by pro-Brown people where he lived if it was discovered he had talked to police. He also said that he didn’t like cops very much, but nevertheless he gave a pro-Wilson witness statement. He was also Black.

Brown parties with his banger friend middle finger style. Brown was absolutely a hardcore member of a local Black gang, but I am not sure of their name.

I don’t know how much you all know about a certain type of young Black males, but I assure you that Brown is a Grade AAA example of a certain type of young Black male who is heavily involved in gangs, drugs and frankly crime also. None of these young males who are heavy into this scene are innocent, and none of them are ok at all.

They are simply terrorists who terrorize their own neighborhood. A young Black woman, rather ghetto herself, referred to them this way to me – she said, “They just terrorists who like to terrorize people.” She hated them, and she was no angel herself. So you see that even a lot of rather ghetto Blacks don’t like these guys much more than the rest of us. There’s not much to like, honestly. These young guys are the worst of the worst. Most if not all of them belong in a jail, a prison or probably better yet, a hole in the ground.

I am not trying to dog on the whole Black race here, as the vast majority of young Blacks are not living the lifestyle that Brown was living (Right?). And of all the street gangs out there, the Black gangs are the worst of all. They are a lot worse than even most of the Hispanic bangers.

I have lived around the Hispanic bangers, and I even got to know a few of them pretty well. They are bad people, but the Blacks are so much worse.

There are hardly any White gangs from what I can tell. I have lived around White people my whole life, and the only White gang member I knew was a member of a motorcycle gang. He was a real bad person, but he wasn’t as bad as these Black guys. We really should not be romanticizing human beings like this. These people are the worst of our race – the human race.