Why is Waterproofing So Important?

By Kravelv

The drive in modern construction for ever faster and fewer quality buildings leaves the tenants with a multitude of problems. The most common one that shows up years after the completion of the construction is water leaks. Because of the use of highly porous concrete, water finds its way into homes. Roofs are especially in danger, but facades are not spared as well. In some cases, water damage can be closer than we think.

A poorly executed bathroom can leak a well. The caulk underneath the shower can be faulty or missing, causing it to let out water. This creates the perfect condition for mold to appear. In buildings, if there is no waterproofing, the structural security of the edifice is endangered. You know how they say: still (rain) water runs deep. In this case, “deep” can even mean the basement, so it is essential to use waterproofing, for this and other reasons.

The bathroom area

So far we mainly discussed waterproofing the outside of a building or a house. However, the bathroom is the room inside that requires just as much care. There are several things you should know about bathroom waterproofing, but here are just some. Take greater care of the area where leaks might appear, such as pipelines in open space, edges of the washbasin and the tub, as well as tile grouts that have holes in them. You have to make sure that all seams and edges are filled in by caulk. Also, close any holes you spot, no matter how small they are. They tend to form in wall surfaces around the door area, mostly near the floor. All these precaution measures are there to prevent mold from forming. If it’s allowed to grow, the air inside the bathroom will always be damp, the pipes will rot away over time, and your health will be in danger because of the poor air quality.


When estimating the total cost of waterproofing, always keep in mind that it is without exception a long-term investment. Protection from the damaging force of water prolongs the lifespan of your building, so waterproofing definitely pays off. In addition, since the building is sealed off and with good insulation, heat loss is thwarted. This lowers your electricity and gas bills. In other words, if you want to invest in the future, waterproofing is the way to go.

Wasting water

If there is a leak in the pipeline because of poor waterproofing, then water is going to get wasted. This increases your monthly water bill and presents an ecological problem as well. Places that aren’t rich in water, such as Australia, cannot afford to have leaky pipes. All home renovations services, if you ask for advice, will say that both residential and commercial waterproofing are equally important. Waterproofing your house is not only a smart thing to do, but you demonstrate social awareness as well.

Pest control

Waterproofing is so effective that it stops more than water. All kinds of rodents, such as mice or rats, will no longer have easy access to your home. Waterproofing seals even the slightest of holes, so not even a cockroach can pass. A potential breeding environment inside the house, most often located in the basement, completely eliminates this way. This means that the occupants of the house will not come into contact with animals that are potential disease carriers.

The basement stays safe

Once water finds its way downwards, there is only one place it can end up: the basement. Because of its underground location, this room is already susceptible to mold due to the dampness inside. Furthermore, many people like to renovate their basement in the strangest of ways. Any existing waterproofing usually gets damaged in the process. People forget the importance of waterproofing and even forget to install it in the first place. It is important for high building and ground-floor houses alike. Once rainwater enters the basement, a flood can easily occur as all that water has nowhere to go because the ground is saturated. This is why it is essential to place waterproofing the basement on top of your to-do around the house list. And remember, winter is coming so you better winter-proof your home.

Because of all the benefits listed, waterproofing should be installed early on in the construction process. Even if this is not the case and you purchase a home without waterproofing, you can have it installed before you move in. Tenants of a building can get together and have their communal home waterproofed. This way, they won’t have to look at the sky every time clouds gather and worry if their basements of garages are going to get flooded.


Author Bio:

Sarah Jessica Smith is a young blogger from Sydney. She is in love with life and all the things that can make your daily routine easier. She loves to write about home improvement, lifestyle, and all the small things that make life such a great adventure.
