Apple Store in India: Apple has opened its first retail store in India after a long wait of 25 years. Mumbai’s Bandra-Kurla Complex (bkcIn ) the company’s CEO Tim Cook has opened the door of the first Apple store. At the same time, Apple’s second retail store will open on April 20 in Saket, Delhi. Apple has been selling its devices through third party retailers in India for the past 25 years. India is a big market for Tim Cook and Apple. India has the largest number of mobile users in the world after China.
25 year wait is over
Apple had to wait 25 years to open its first retail store in India. India’s regulatory guidelines to Apple were not allowing Apple to open single-brand retail stores. Apple was selling devices in the Indian market through its third party partners Imagine and Future World. After the opening of these two retail stores in India, Apple will be able to manage from manufacturing to retail business in India.
You can use Apple products for free
Apple Store is not known for selling its products but for user experience. In such a situation, Indian users will get a lot of opportunity to experience Apple’s products. Users can spend as long as they want in an Apple Store and get tips on using the iPhone and MacBook from Apple employees. For this, users will not have to pay any kind of charge. Apple provides the best user experience in its store for free.
paperless counter
Both the Apple stores to open in India will be completely paperless. Users will use digital payment to buy any Apple product. The bill for the products will also be digitally delivered to the users through e-mail.
Free Wi-Fi facility
Users will get free Wi-Fi facility in Apple Store. Users will be able to use Wi-Fi for free to experience Apple’s devices. Not only this, while experiencing Apple’s device in the Apple Store, even if a device breaks from them, Apple will not charge for it. In order to mold the Apple users into the Apple ecosystem, Apple Geniuses have been installed in these stores, who will help the users in every way to use the Apple device.
10 lakh job claims
Apple CEO Tim Cook has claimed that he will support 1 million jobs in India through his developer network. Being a company owned store, Indian customers will also get a chance to buy Made-in-India iPhones made in India.