Why Is Star Trek Discovery So Bad

By Therealmcteag @therealmcteag

Star Trek's disappointing Discovery is revving up for yet ANOTHER POINTLESS and HORRIBLE Star Trek Hating season of unworthy total garbage. While the special effects are sometimes impressive and the title sequence is fine, there's nothing else to like about the show. We've been through a bunch of terrible stories and an update was due!

The single biggest flaw would have to be the BAD stories! Specifically - the uncreative and lazy over use of a single plot device to drive most episodes. Basically what's on the line in almost every 10 hour snoozefest is nothing less then - THE END OF ALL THINGS!! That's right, one characters jeopardy no longer matters, we just don't have anything but 'time spent together' to make us feel much for the these bad characters.

The characters and dialogue are just terrible as well. These one note characters change to do whatever the show needs. You have clue any given character might react- except that a LOT of inappropriate emotions will be on display.

Episode Titles are outright dishonest teases. For example- "People of Earth" shows you almost NOTHING of earth or its people.

This show is now racing into its four seasons retelling the same exact 10 hour story over and over. The change some stuff here and there and make sure to call the audience 'too dumb to understand" via a Science-y character who informs their crewmates and the audience "It makes sense because I say it does and you just aren't smart enough to grasp it in the limited time we have."

While the acting wasn't a problem at first and the production values at most points are ok, the story just isn't there. In subsequent season's the shows stupidity has worn down the cast. They have all gotten worse in their roles. They lifelessly read lines until it's time to cry. Then they cry pretty well. They've had so much practice- unlike exploring. The Discovery has still NEVER gone to a planet just to explore.This bad Trope-y show has unrealistically high stakes at all times. This problem goes unaddressed season after season. It was so unnecessarily disrespectful to have the original characters needlessly entangled in this hot mess of contradictions that a cheap writing device called "The Burn" is used. "The Burn" just throws the crew of STD into their far future- where their bad stories can't do as much harm.

What is "The Burn" is an obsession for the characters in its aftermath. What IS it? WHO did it? WHY? How? Then the crew just stop talking about it with any curiosity and awe and just come to terms with not understanding it. Then they move on to the next Box Canyon of a Writing Hack.

As we head into unwanted Season 4 we still have almost no context on these characters. We just know theyr'e very mentally unstable and only no single one of them can grasp the all of whats going on except emotionally erratic.

Deeply unlikable lead character Michael "Mikey Spock" Burnham is a woman with a mans name. They just sort of act like this is normal and its a real SciFi trope these days. When the plot needs to move Burnham usually just correctly guesses everything she needs to know. She will not explain to us or the rest of the crew why her counterintuitive hunches beat less insane sounding ideas. The fact she just insists unexplained on extreme actions is what passes for drama

A lot of the conflicts are because she keeps telling other characters they're too dumb to understand and just need to trust her. Maybe she alludes to the fact she's double sure she's right but she do much beyond Pinky-swear on she's definitely correct.

This is insufferable now as its the most info we get on anything. So whats THE BURN? The answer the writers gave us was "It doesn't matter, you wouldn't understand, so just stop asking questions and listen to Mikey Spock." This will be used over over in every season several times to avoid any justification of these terrible stories. So get ready to be called dumb by proxy by the show regularly.

Star Trek Discovery has simply left behind the concept of saving a few cast members, or an entire ship, or a planet in any given episode or story 'arc'.

By episode 8 of season 1 we're talking about saving the universe and by the end of that season we were looking at "saving all life everywhere across the entire multi-verse of universes." It was preposterous and unrelatible. This high stakes bafflingly achieved plotline is simpy rei-mposed on another set of random events EVERY season. This is your story every time- our hero and her not so smart friends save everyone everywhere.

They also just will not go to a planet and just explore or make contact. The one time they consent to do this we get the only watchable episode. In that episode only a couple of characters were at risk and there was a limited "Away Mission" that was familiar and fun. They made sure to avoid just going here to explore though. We make sure to say this planet just has a cell phone tower on it and they merely to check it out. So even when do they do something that's like Star Trek they ALWAYS NERF the motivations. The planet could have simply been unexplored and nothing about the episode would have really changed, it was to put a ticking clock artificially into the episode. The writers are completely unaware its just fine to go to a planet for no other reason other than its there and No One Has Gone There Before.

Rather than learn from this the show's next episode takes a turn for the too serious again and we find ourselves saving several universes in every show. All the while each season we carry the water for a huge payoff that these writers can't deliver on. Events and implications build up and beg answers only for the show to move on.

As far as Discovery goes, well its just too much. You can only stretch a rubber band almost to the breaking point so many times before it stops snapping back into shape again. It's tedious and fatiguing to always be at the edge of the universe ending. Throw in that if the way to avoid the universe ending is sort of bland or a little too convenient it just makes the whole thing that much less entertaining. Like some magic spore technology co-opted from the Dune Franchise

The terrible show's sword and shield are it's so called diversity. Star Trek's current diversity seems to have been written by complete sexists told to defy all parody and satire. Using cut out characters dishonestly to get one more kind of diverse person into the show is always a huge fail. They will screw up basic Star Trek and mess up their own message every time For example- Our 'same sex couple' is actually one person and ghost. So we need to ask ourselves - "Isn't this so-called same sex couple just the tale of a delusional porn hound?" Seems diminishing and damaging more than diverse to me. So now we're forced to wonder if being a fan of sex is some kind of sin in general in this world. Liking porn is undeniably common and even mundane. So why do it? Was it all they could come up with so they're trying to call it something else? Was the goal that the story was built to be dumped if it didn't work or drew criticism? Or is it just thrown together that carelessly? It's hard to know because this crass, tasteless show diminishes everything it touches

Lets see just the ship and crew in danger around a strange planet here and there as a starting point for fixing this very flawed show. The good old days of a possible warp core breach or a game of Cat and Mouse with some bad guys is beyond these writers skill. The current writers can't pay anything off and are one trick phonies as far Star Trek fans or writers. They're making the classic mistake- fixing the parts of Star Trek that weren't broken.

These awful ex Non Twilight Teen Vampire Romance Novel writers have no desire to write a Star Trek like show. What good ideas they have they destroy by mistake. It WAS a good idea to have a new ship and crew, but the idiotic Spore Drive, the CGI Sex Ghost and other terrible ideas- like ending a season by showing Klingons have TWO dicks each as a payoff- make this show the worst iteration of Star Trek it could possibly be, and in fact is not Star Trek at all.

Categories: Tags: Reviews, Star Trek, Star Trek Discovery Star Trek Discovery Fan Review, Star Trek Discovery Fan Revview, Star Trek Discovery Season 1, Star Trek Discovery Season 2 * *