Why Is Punjab Better Than India?

Posted on the 04 April 2016 by Calvinthedog

RockT writes:

Forgive my ignorance, but, I’ve always found Indians to be very nice and well behaved people. Granted, I do not know many and don’t regularly associate with them. I don’t know their culture. But I have a hard time thinking of them as evil sociopaths. I suppose I may be wrong.

Simple answer is they are on good behavior. More on that below.

Indian culture in India is sociopathic.

Granted there are some who have bailed out of it, but if you refuse to be a sociopath in India the result often is that you have to settle for a much lower standard of living. One problem is that if you bail out of the sociopathy, you essentially have to either become a Leftist or simply more or less drop out of society. Anyone who dares to reject wicked Indian culture can count on being shunned by almost everyone they know. It’s lonely to try to be a decent person in India. It’s also painful due to all of the abuse and condemnation you will receive.

Most Indian Leftists have always despised the Indian state and Indian culture to boot. This is why the Marxists are so hated by the Hindutvadis as “anti-national people.” They have long called India out on its malign culture.

But yes, the ones here are on good behavior. Simply put, the ones over here often don’t act anything like the ones over in India. If that nice Indian you see over there here were in India, they may well behave completely differently.

I admit I don’t practice what I preach.

I am nice to some of the local Indians, and I am actually friendly with a couple of them who run a local store. And they are actually very nice to me, in a very un-Indian sort of way. Sometimes they give me free food! Or discounts on food! There is another guy who I buy my hard liquor from who I consider a friend also. He likes to drink whiskey! I wonder if other Sikhs drink alcohol?

So yes, there are some nice Indians around here, but there are also some horrid ones. At age 57, I was actually thrown out of a store by Indian. I have only been banned from one other store in my life, and I was let back in by management who fired one of the guys who banned me.

But you have to remember that these are Punjabi Sikhs. As fucked up as India is, it’s seems that Punjab, where the culture is Sikhism, is about 100% better than the rest of India.

Horrible things like malnutrition, stunting, maternal mortality, shitting outdoors, etc. are about 50% lower in Punjab.

An example: In Punjab 25% of the population is malnourished, and in India it is 50%. 25% is outrageous and shameful, but it’s a world better than 50%. Whatever the Sikhs are doing, they are doing something right, or at least better than the Hindus.

However, there is a problem with the Sikhs. Hardly any group in India is any good. The Christians, the Muslims, the Jains, they all act horrible in Hindu India.

The exceptions are in the east where the population is Buddhist and Christian, are not yet Hinduized or Indianized and were only conquered and made a part of India, typically by armed force,in the last 65 years. These people are Asiatics, have figured out what crap India as a state and as a culture is, hate the Indian state and Indian culture and completely reject both of them.

There are some Hindus over there, but the population is not large. Most are in Assam, which is not coincidentally the most screwed up state in the East.

Most of those Indian states had armed groups who actually took up arms against the Indian state and fought the state with guns for many years. In one eastern state, the Indian Airforce actually bombed their own city. They bombed a city in India! I think it was in Mizoram. This group has their own problems, namely tribalism, but the humans there have actual human souls, and they lack the blackened hearts of the typical Indian Hindus.

But just about everyone else in India – with the somewhat exception of Leftists – acts awful.

Indian Christians act horrible. They barely deserve to be called Christians. Indian Christians practice caste!

Muslims act awful. India has some of the worst Muslims on Earth. These are Hinduized Muslims who have glued the cancer of Hindu culture onto their own very problematic religion. Indian Muslims practice caste, which is antithetical to the religion of Islam.

The Jains are awful. Yes, they refuse to kill flies, but the Jains practice the most strict casteism in all of India.

The problem is that all groups is Hindu India with the exception of the east are “Hinduized.” They are Hinduized and they are also Indianized. At the end of the day, Sikhs are yet a very Hinduized people. Yes, the religion is much better than Hinduism, but it is still a Hindu offshoot, and most Sikhs get angry if you criticize Hinduism. The problems is that this much better religion becomes watered down and basically contaminated in India by the Hinduized culture.

To give you an example, all of the Sikh gurus, who were all very good men (Guru Nanak especially was very saintly and pure), condemned caste. They all explicitly stated, “there is no caste in Sikhism.” They basically said that if you practice caste, you are rejected from the Sikh religion.

Well it is 400 years since the last guru died, and guess what”? Almost all Sikhs practice caste! And if you bring up this contradiction to them, they often shrug their shoulders in a callous and somewhat sociopathic manner. Almost all Sikhs I have met locally have defended the caste system. I assume they must be benefiting from it as most local Sikhs are Jats, which are the Sikh equivalent of Brahmins. And a stunning number of local Sikhs are crazed, fanatical Indian nationalists who would put a Hindutvadi to shame.

And worse, they are Indianized. Sikhs are Indians, with all the good and mostly bad things that go along with that. My Sikh doctor told me that if you want to be a decent person in India, you need to leave the country, and that’s exactly what he did. He absolutely rejects Indian culture and “values,” which are more like anti-values. He came to the US because he hated his evil country, and he wanted to be a good person. He told me that yes, he could have practiced medicine in India, but he said you can’t practice medicine in India without turning into a complete shit. He has a human soul still and a decent heart, so he came to America which he felt better represented his values. He felt that American values were vastly superior to Indian values, and he is correct.