Why is Domestic Violence Almost Twice as Common Among Lesbian Couples and Male Gay Couples?

Posted on the 07 January 2018 by Calvinthedog

Link to the study.

Answered on Queera. I am really starting to hate homosexuals, especially gay men, and I have been an ally for decades. They keep reporting me to Queera Staff for homophobic hate speech. I have been trying very hard from the start to leave anything like that out of my answers, but they keep reporting me anyway. Every time I try to write my answers to make them more acceptable, but the fags just report me again.

And yeah, they are fags because they declared war on me. Gay men who I hate are fags. The rest are just gay men. They are trying to their damndest to get me banned from there. Queera is one of the most wildly pro-gay sites on the whole Internet. If you didn’t know any better, you would think gays are the greatest thing since radial tires. Gays swarm every question about homosexuality and flood it with answers that are mostly just a wild pack of crazy lies. The problem with gays nowadays is that almost 100% of gay people are gay activists all wrapped up in Gay Politics, and as such they are mostly some of the most obnoxious and crazy SJW’s of them all. And I hate SJW’s. So I’m starting to hate gays just for being SJW scum. I don’t really care about the fact that they are gay – if they got wired up that way, I will support them 100%. But SJW’s need to be shot.

This post, incredibly enough, got reported and consequently buried as homophobic hate speech. Or maybe feminists complained. It got tagged for violating some rule called Be Nice, Be Respectful. If you so much look at the gays wrong, they bomb your post with hate speech reports.

Apparently the hate speech is when I said that gay men are vastly more likely to be effeminate than straight men and that many lesbians are quite masculine. I guess it’s evil homophobic hate speech to imply that gay men are effeminate and lesbians are masculine! What the Hell? It’s not hate speech. It’s true!

I guess that’s the problem though. I was on a Marxist forum the other day and a wildly SJW Marxist stated openly that the truth could indeed be hate speech. So here we are in SJW 1984, where telling the truth is evil bigotry, a sanctionable offense, and probably likely to be soon against the law.

The commenter the other day was right. Gay men are no fun anymore. There used to be a lot of pretty cool and fun gay guys. A lot of them were very funny, and they were known to be irreverent to say the least. Their typically degenerate lifestyles precluded any sanctimoniousness on their part, as they were an outrageous version of the glass houses maxim.

Now fags are a drag. They’re all a bunch of sanctimonious, priggish, censorious, church lady thugs. And like the feminists, they are getting dangerous. The gays are trying to get all of us straight men thrown out of our jobs and to ruin our careers, just like the feminists are trying to make all of us straight men lose their jobs, have their careers destroyed or even nowadays, thrown in jail. Both of them have basically declared war on straight men. The Feminine Principle has declared war on the Masculine Principle.

These SJW thugs, feminist or gay, are a downright menace. I don’t see any possibilities  for peace with these crazies. This is going to be a war to the end.

There will be no peace with the SJW’s.

Yes, lesbian couples and gay male couples beat each other up at twice the rates of straight couples. No one seems to know why this is, but it is common knowledge among clinicians and accepted as basic fact.

Perhaps there is a lack of proper balance or Yin Yang in these relationships.

With lesbians, you have two women who often act like men. Lesbians are more likely to be masculine than straight women.

Transmen experience an increase in crime rate after they transition from female to male. It’s as if becoming a man makes it more likely that one acts violent or criminal, which as a man I would agree with.

With gay men, well, first off, gay men are not women. People, including transsexual fetishists, think that gay men are just women in men’s bodies. Yes, gay men are wildly disproportionately effeminate and feminine, but on the other hand, they are as full of testosterone as straight men. Gay men have a significantly increased crime rate opposed to straight men, mostly for property crime.

Obviously when a man is gay, he is not a typical feminine human. He is a man, 100% man, a testosterone fueled man, who has a feminized brain in some respects, but in other ways, he is just as man of a real man as any man out there. Gay men have the same testosterone levels as straight men, and this is what drives violence and aggression in men.

With gay men, you are pairing two testosterone fueled humans together without any Yin-Yang balance to even things out. The result is likely to be explosive.

The frightening figure is that women are actually safer in relationships with men than they are with women, which gives the lie to radical feminism.

Also straight men are much less likely to beat up their partners than gay men are, which once again gives the lie to feminist theory that states that male violence against women is some special thing related to males’ inherent hatred for women or the feminine.

The truth is that this is a complex area, and psychology has no explanations for these empirical facts. We only know that the facts are real. Why the facts are the facts is another matter altogether, and no one seems to know why.