Why Interstitial Ads Are the Future of Online Advertising 2023

Posted on the 27 July 2023 by .... ....

In a world where online advertising is constantly evolving, interstitial ads have emerged as one of the most promising formats for reaching audiences. These full-screen ads offer high viewability and engagement, making them an increasingly popular choice for marketers looking to drive results. But what exactly are interstitial ads? How do they work? And why are they considered the future of online advertising in 2023? In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about these dynamic ad formats, from their benefits and best practices to common challenges and industry leaders who are already leveraging their potential. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn all about the exciting world of interstitial ads!

Understanding Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that appear between two content pages. They're designed to capture the viewer's attention and provide a more immersive advertising experience than traditional banner or display ads. These ads can be static images, videos, or even interactive experiences.

One of the primary benefits of interstitials is their high viewability and engagement rates. Because they take up the entire screen, users are less likely to overlook them or scroll past them without noticing. Additionally, since interstitials appear during natural transition points in the user's journey through a website or app (such as between levels of a mobile game), they often feel like a seamless part of the experience rather than an interruption.

There are several different types of interstitial ads available for marketers to choose from depending on their goals and target audience. For example, some may opt for video interstitials if they want to showcase product features or demonstrate how something works, while others might prefer interactive formats like playable ads that allow users to try out a demo version of an app before downloading it.

Of course, with any new ad format comes its own set of challenges and best practices. In our next sections, we'll explore these topics in greater detail so you can make informed decisions about whether interstitials are right for your marketing objectives.

Definition of Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are a type of online advertising that appear between content pages or during transitions. They are typically full-screen advertisements that pop up on top of the current page and require interaction before they can be closed.

The name "interstitial" comes from the Latin word for "in-between", which reflects their placement in between content pages or during app transitions. These ads are designed to capture users' attention by filling the entire screen, making them impossible to ignore.

Unlike banner ads, interstitials provide advertisers with more space to convey their message and engage with users in a more interactive way. However, because interstitials interrupt user experience, it is important for advertisers to use them judiciously and strategically.

Interstitial ads offer an effective way for brands to reach audiences across multiple platforms and devices while also offering higher viewability rates than other forms of digital advertising.

How Interstitial Ads Work

Interstitial ads are full-screen advertisements that appear between two content pages or during a natural transition point in an app. The ad is designed to be visually engaging and often includes multimedia elements such as video, audio, and animations.

When a user clicks on a link or navigates to another page within an app or website, the interstitial ad appears. They typically cover the entire screen of the device and require users to interact with them before they can continue their browsing experience.

These ads work by interrupting the user's flow while providing marketers with prime real estate for their promotional messages. Interstitial ads help advertisers reach consumers at critical moments when they are most likely to engage with offers.

Unlike traditional banner ads that may go unnoticed by users, interstitials force themselves into view and demand attention from audiences. This makes them ideal for campaigns where engagement rate is paramount.

Interstitials offer brands the opportunity to create unique advertising experiences that can lead to increased engagement rates and higher conversions compared to other types of display advertising formats.

Types of Interstitial Ads

When it comes to interstitial ads, there are several different types that advertisers can choose from. One type is the full-screen ad, which takes up the entire screen of a user's device and typically includes a call-to-action button.

Another type is the video ad, which plays a short video when users interact with the app or website. These ads can be effective in grabbing users' attention and increasing engagement.

There are also interactive ads that allow users to engage with the ad by swiping or tapping on certain elements. This can create a more immersive experience for users and increase their likelihood of engaging with the brand.

Interstitial ads can also come in the form of playable ads, where users can try out parts of a game or app before downloading it. This provides an interactive preview for potential customers and increases their chances of making a purchase or download.

There are many different types of interstitial ads available for advertisers to choose from depending on their goals and target audience. By using these various formats strategically, brands can improve engagement and drive conversions through their advertising efforts.

Advantages of Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads have become a popular choice among online advertisers due to the numerous benefits they offer. One of the primary advantages of interstitial ads is their high viewability and engagement rates. Unlike other forms of online advertising, interstitial ads take up the entire screen space, providing users with an immersive experience that improves their engagement level.

Moreover, interstitial ads allow for improved ROI measurement since they are only shown to users who are actively engaged with the app or website. This means that advertisers can track user behavior more accurately and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns in real-time.

Another significant advantage of interstitial ads is that they work across multiple platforms, including mobile devices and desktops. This versatility ensures maximum reach and enables businesses to target audiences effectively regardless of what device they are using.

Furthermore, interstitial ads typically have higher CPMs (cost per thousand impressions) than traditional banner or display advertisements. They also tend to generate higher click-through-rates (CTR), leading to increased conversions and revenue for businesses.

When used correctly, interstitial advertising offers a wide range of benefits for both businesses and consumers alike. By prioritizing user experience, strategic ad placement, and following Google guidelines while avoiding common challenges like skewed analytics or slow load times - companies can leverage this format successfully as part of their digital marketing strategy moving forward.

High Viewability and Engagement

One of the key advantages of interstitial ads is their high viewability and engagement rates. Unlike traditional banner ads, which can easily be ignored or overlooked by users, interstitials occupy the entire screen space, making it almost impossible for viewers to miss them.

This also means that advertisers have a higher chance of capturing user attention for longer periods of time. Since interstitials typically appear between content transitions (such as when moving from one app screen to another), users are more likely to engage with these ads as they wait for their desired content to load.

Additionally, interstitials often employ interactive elements such as videos and animations that further increase engagement levels. This allows advertisers to create immersive ad experiences that resonate with viewers on a deeper level than standard display ads.

In terms of ROI measurement, high viewability and engagement rates translate into better performance metrics overall. Advertisers can track clicks, impressions and other important data points in real-time through advanced analytics tools like Adjust's Mobile Attribution platform.

Interstitial ads offer a unique opportunity for advertisers looking to maximize their reach and impact online. With their high viewability and engagement rates coupled with innovative design features; they provide an effective solution for brands seeking greater visibility in today's crowded digital landscape.

Improved ROI Measurement

Improved ROI measurement is one of the major advantages of interstitial ads. This advertising format offers greater transparency and accuracy in tracking ad performance, allowing advertisers to better understand their return on investment.

By using interstitial ads, businesses can track important metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and engagement levels for each ad placement. This data provides valuable insights into which campaigns are performing well and which need improvement.

With improved ROI measurement, businesses can make informed decisions about where to allocate their advertising budget and optimize their marketing strategies accordingly. By investing in high-performing campaigns and eliminating those that aren't delivering results, organizations can increase revenue while lowering costs.

Interstitial ads offer a powerful tool for improving ROI measurement in online advertising. By leveraging this technology to track key performance indicators (KPIs) accurately, businesses can gain a competitive edge in today's digital landscape.

Multi-Platform Application

Multi-Platform Application is one of the biggest advantages of using Interstitial Ads. This simply means that these ads can be used across multiple platforms, including mobile devices and desktops. This feature allows advertisers to reach a greater audience and increase their chances of conversions.

One major benefit of multi-platform application is that it provides flexibility for advertisers to optimize their campaigns according to each platform's specifications. For example, an ad displayed on a mobile device could have different dimensions than an ad shown on a desktop computer. Multi-platform application also ensures consistency in branding and messaging across all platforms.

Another advantage is that multi-platform application makes it easier for advertisers to track user behavior and campaign performance through analytics tools. By accurately measuring click-through-rates, impressions, engagement rates, conversion rates and other metrics across all platforms in real-time or near-real-time basis, marketers can make informed decisions about how they allocate their advertising budgets.

Multi-Platform Application enables advertisers to streamline their advertising efforts by reaching potential customers wherever they are - whether they are browsing on mobile or desktop devices - while ensuring consistent brand messaging and accurate measurement from start to finish.

High CPMs and Click-Through-Rates

One of the biggest advantages of interstitial ads is that they offer high CPMs and click-through rates. This means that advertisers are able to get more bang for their buck by serving ads in this format.

Unlike other types of ads, interstitials take over the entire screen, which allows for a higher level of engagement with users. This increased engagement often translates into better performance metrics such as click-through-rates.

Furthermore, since interstitials are typically used in mobile apps or on mobile websites, they have been found to perform particularly well on these platforms. Mobile devices account for an increasing amount of online traffic, so it makes sense that advertisers would want to invest in ad formats that work well on these devices.

The high CPMs and click-through-rates associated with interstitial ads make them a smart investment for advertisers looking to maximize their return on investment. By leveraging this format effectively, brands can reach engaged audiences who are more likely to take action after seeing their message.

Best Practices for Interstitial Ads

When it comes to interstitial ads, there are certain best practices that you should follow to ensure a positive user experience. Here are some of the most important ones:

Prioritize user experience. Don't bombard users with too many ads or use them in a way that disrupts their browsing activities. Instead, use them strategically and sparingly.

Choose strategic ad placement. Place your interstitial ads at natural breaks in the content rather than interrupting users mid-scroll or during an important action.

Always follow Google guidelines for interstitial ads. This includes ensuring that they don't cover too much of the screen and providing a clear exit button.

By following these best practices for interstitial ads, you can improve engagement rates while also keeping your audience happy and engaged on your website or app.

Prioritizing User Experience

When it comes to interstitial ads, prioritizing user experience should be a top priority for advertisers. Users are more likely to engage with an ad if it doesn't disrupt their browsing experience or cause frustration.

One way to prioritize user experience is by using frequency capping. This limits the number of times a user sees the same ad within a certain time frame, preventing them from feeling bombarded and ensuring they have a positive experience on your site.

Another important factor is timing. Placing an interstitial ad at the wrong moment can result in users becoming annoyed and leaving your site altogether. It's important to strategically place ads during natural breaks in content or when users are more likely to be receptive.

Consider offering incentives such as discounts or exclusive offers for users who interact with your ads. This not only enhances their overall experience but also increases engagement and conversions for your business.

Prioritizing user experience is crucial when implementing interstitial ads into your advertising strategy. By doing so, you'll not only improve engagement rates but also create loyal customers who will continue visiting your site long after seeing an advertisement.

Strategic Ad Placement

Strategic ad placement is a crucial factor in the success of interstitial ads. To maximize their effectiveness, advertisers must carefully consider where and when these ads appear within an app or website. This ensures that users are more likely to engage with them, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

One approach is to display interstitial ads during natural breaks or transitions in content consumption. For example, placing them between levels in a game or after completing specific actions can make the ad experience feel less intrusive and disruptive for users.

Additionally, it's essential to analyze user behavior patterns within your platform. Understanding how users interact with your content allows you to determine the optimal moments for displaying interstitial ads without negatively impacting engagement.

A/B testing can also play a significant role in refining strategic ad placement tactics. By experimenting with different placements and timings, advertisers can gather valuable data on which approaches yield the highest click-through and conversion rates.

Strategic ad placement plays a vital role in ensuring maximum effectiveness and ROI from interstitial advertising campaigns while maintaining positive user experiences throughout your platform.

Following Google Guidelines

When it comes to implementing interstitial ads on your website or mobile app, it is important to follow Google's guidelines. This ensures that you are providing a positive user experience while still generating revenue from your advertising efforts.

One of the key things to keep in mind when following Google's guidelines for interstitial ads is the frequency with which they appear. Ads should not be displayed too often and should not disrupt the user's ability to navigate through your site or app.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that any close buttons for interstitial ads are easily visible and accessible. Users should never feel trapped or forced to interact with an ad in order to continue using your site or app.

Make sure that the content of your interstitial ads aligns with the overall theme and purpose of your website or app. Misleading advertisements can lead to decreased trust among users and ultimately harm both your brand reputation and bottom line.

By following Google's guidelines for interstitial ads, you can ensure a positive user experience while still generating revenue from online advertising.

Common Challenges with Interstitial Ads

Skewed Analytics

Disrupting User Experience

One of the biggest concerns with interstitial ads is their potential to disrupt user experience. When implemented poorly, they can be seen as intrusive and annoying, leading users to quickly exit out of them or even abandon the app or website altogether.
To avoid disrupting user experience, it's important to strategically place interstitial ads at natural breaks in content and ensure that they are relevant to the user. For example, if a user is reading an article about travel destinations, an interstitial ad for a hotel booking site would be more likely to capture their attention than one for car insurance.
Another way to prevent disruption is by limiting the frequency of interstitial ads. Bombarding users with too many ads can quickly lead to frustration and push them away from the app or website entirely.
Consider offering users the option to skip or close out of an ad after a certain amount of time has passed. This not only improves their overall experience but also helps build trust between advertisers and consumers.
Prioritizing user experience when implementing interstitial ads should always be top-of-mind for advertisers looking to successfully leverage this powerful advertising format.

Slow Load Times

Interstitial Ads and Industry Leaders

Interstitial ads have become increasingly popular in recent years, and industry leaders are taking notice. Google's developer site offers information on interstitial ad implementation guidelines to help developers create effective campaigns while maintaining a positive user experience. Their guidelines recommend using frequency capping to prevent users from seeing too many ads, as well as allowing users to easily dismiss the ad if they choose.
Another company leading the way with interstitial ads is Adjust, whose mobile attribution technology helps measure app marketing effectiveness. They recommend strategic placement of interstitial ads that align with the natural flow of an app's content and avoiding interrupting critical actions such as completing a form or making a purchase.
Industry leaders are recognizing the potential benefits of interstitial ads but also understand the importance of prioritizing user experience. By following best practices and utilizing data-driven strategies, companies can effectively incorporate these types of ads into their marketing campaigns for maximum impact.

Google Developer Site Information

Adjust's Mobile Attribution

Adjust's Mobile Attribution is a powerful tool for advertisers to track and measure the effectiveness of their interstitial ad campaigns. This platform provides real-time data analysis, allowing advertisers to optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI.
With Adjust's Mobile Attribution, advertisers can see how users interact with their ads and gain insight into which ad formats are most effective. They can also track user behavior across multiple devices and platforms, providing a comprehensive view of the customer journey.
One key benefit of Adjust's Mobile Attribution is its ability to provide granular data on app installs and in-app actions. Advertisers can see exactly which ads led to app downloads or specific in-app actions, such as purchases or sign-ups.
Another advantage of Adjust's Mobile Attribution is its fraud prevention capabilities. The platform uses advanced algorithms to detect fraudulent activity such as click spamming or bot traffic, ensuring that advertisers only pay for legitimate clicks and impressions.
Adjust's Mobile Attribution is an essential tool for any advertiser looking to maximize the performance of their interstitial ad campaigns. With its advanced tracking and reporting features, this platform provides valuable insights into user behavior that can drive more effective advertising strategies.


The future of online advertising seems to be dominated by interstitial ads due to their high viewability and engagement rates. Their multi-platform application also makes them a viable option for advertisers looking to reach different audiences across various devices.
However, it is important to note that while interstitial ads present significant advantages over other forms of advertising, they also come with their own set of challenges such as skewed analytics and disrupting user experience. It's crucial for advertisers and publishers alike to prioritize the user experience when utilizing this form of advertising in order not to frustrate or drive away potential users.
Interstitial ads have become a popular choice among industry leaders like Google Developer Site Information and Adjust's Mobile Attribution due to their ability to deliver higher CPMs and click-through-rates. Advertisers who want better engagement rates should consider incorporating interstitial ads into their digital marketing strategies.