Why I Will Never Get a Boob Job

By Tempestra @tempestra1

Do you know something? I don’t think my husband is lying when he says he doesn’t like hugely inflated, clownish breasts. If I ever ask him about it, he gives me the good old spiel that so many husbands have given their wives since times of yore: any more than a handful’s a waste! Actually since I had my son my breasts have been a good deal more than a handful, but I’m definitely not talking about the strange shining and stretched plastic orbs that seem to pass for breasts these days. I have real woman breasts; real, functioning, baby-feeding actual breasts, and I’m proud of it.

Honestly, are there really men out there who want their partner’s breasts to be as hard as a pair of cantaloupes? Sure, having comedy boobs will indeed attract attention. But is that really the sort of attention a woman actually wants? To be perfectly honest, it strikes me as a little sad.

Of course, I’m not against women who have very small natural breasts or have had surgery for breast cancer getting implants to make themselves feel more confident and feminine. I completely understand this. What I don’t understand is women who already have great natural breasts asking for cosmetic surgery to make them unnaturally large in imitation of glamour models like Jordan or Lolo Ferrari, the most tragic case of body dysmorphic disorder I’ve ever seen.

Apparently more and more women are going abroad to have their implants done when they are refused in the UK. This is why so many UK women have ended up with the dangerous PIP implants made from industrial rather than medical-grade silicone, and I just don’t understand why someone would endanger themselves this way when all you really need is a great bra.

Personally I think a well-fitted bra can enhance the cleavage just as effectively as implants, and it comes with the added confidence boost of knowing that what you have is all yours.