Why I Resolved To Write a Post Once in 3 Days ?

Posted on the 26 December 2012 by Mihir23192 @mihir23192

We wish the next year to be life changing or hope for some miracle to happen and the life be fabulous..! Don’t we ? I don’t know about you but I do ..! But It’s for sure that nothing like this is gonna happen. The best way to change our life is by taking charge of it. Accept the things and take the responsibility. Again, to change the things, you need to be very clear on what you want to change? So For that, I made a list of New Year Resolution for 2013. I made very specific list. One of the thing is ,”Write post on Once in 3 days“.. Why?Truly Speaking, It’s fascinating when I think of a topic to write post, It gives me happiness when I start writing and after writing 2-3 paras, I start hating the same…! In a word, Writing is not for me…! It sucks..!

But, When I write a post, First of all I need to do research on a topic and It makes me surf the internet, some good blogs, magazines, even books..! At the time of searching for content or references I come across so many useful information, inspiring stories, motivating start-ups, influencing personalities, bloggers, writers, authors, millionaires, billionaires, dropouts and much much more..!

The stuff which I mentioned above is food for thought, is meaning to life, is inspiration to me, is learning for me..! I don’t think I would have ever come across some of the personalities like Neil Patel, Sujan Patel, Dharmesh Shah, Shradhha Sharma, Hiten Shah, Harsh Agrawal, Amit Agrawal, Amit Bhawani, Tim Sykes, Ramit Sethi, Dan Browne, Seth Godin, Vishal Khandelwal, Radhey Sharma, Manish Chauhan, Nandish Desai, Pradeep Kumar(HBB), Rahul Banker and so many more..!

For me, Writing a post is just a excuse to surf those blogs. I tried to daily read those blogs but It’s not possible..! I had all the reasons not to read it..! I know my self..

One more thing is that, I want to write a book in future and for that I want to develop my writing skill. I know my grammar sucks..! I also aware of the fact that, If I want to be a swimmer than I have to swim, If I want to be a runner than I have to run and If I want to be a writer than ..? I have to write, write and write..! No Option..!

Anyways, This was the todays post. I am thinking to write on various topics on my blog. If you have any suggestion than you can comment below.

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