Why I Really Don’t Like Getting My Kidneys Out and How It Influences My Style Choices

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

No, I'm not talking about having a kidney operation removal - or even thinking about that old urban myth about the kidney thieves who steal kidneys from people and leave them the in a bathtub filled with ice.

I'm talking about fashions that leave your kidney's out in the cold.

Physical Needs that Influence Fashion Choices

As a person who finds it hard to stay warm (except in mid-summer), I just don't like having my kidney's exposed to the elements (apart from the fact nobody needs to see that part of my anatomy). Even when I was young and super fit and cropped tees were in fashion, I wasn't keen on wearing anything cropped I've never liked the feeling of a breeze or cool air hitting my lower back.

This means that there are fashion trends that I'll avoid or have to work around to make sure my kidneys are covered at all times. Even in summer when it's a boiling hot night, I'll pull a sheet over my lower back - leaving the rest of me uncovered.

My daughter is more than happy to have her kidneys exposed - she doesn't feel the cold like I do. In winter, I have to tuck in a layer underneath my outer layers to ensure that no air ever hits my lower back accidentally.

If I'm going to wear something cropped ( jacket or top) then there is always a top underneath that covers my kidneys up that sticks out below the cropped item.

In many ways, this is a topic that isn't spoken about yet can have quite an impact on the outfits you can put together and the styles and shapes of clothing (and fabrics you choose as well).

Is there something that you just won't wear because of a physical reason?

I remember working with a client who couldn't wear an underwire bra because she had massively sensitive skin - so was wearing a flattening crop top (until I showed her that you could also buy wire-free bras that actually give you some shape and support too). Because the crop top flattened her and made her waist disappear, she wouldn't wear anything that was at all fitted on her top half.

Of course, there are the foot issues that mean only a certain shoe fits or is comfortable or is able to be worn.

There are the fabrics that you'll avoid for some sort of comfort reason (wool that is scratchy, synthetic fibres that make your skin crawl or make you sweat).

But I'm sure there are other things that impact upon your fashion choices (other than the whole - what suits, what I like etc.) so tell me, what other things can't you wear for some sort of physical reason?

What is it and how does this impact on your style and clothing choices? Is this something you wish you could change or is it something that doesn't bother you?