Why I’m Backing Corbyn Despite Being Dubious About Parliamentary Politics

By Cnlester @cnlester


Taking a regularly scheduled break to reblog some vital thoughts from a dear friend – UK people, please listen.

Originally posted on Living Disabled:

I don’t necessarily consider myself completely certain that ballot box communism will never work (although not in the near future certainly) but I believe that the far more important work is that which we do in our communities to fight austerity, not the work we do in convincing people to vote for a political party. The promises often made to those who are the most vulnerable in society, that consistently get broken. I believe building community activism, working to develop a political theory based in praxis, and fighting to improve conditions for people abandoned by the political parties is more important, and generally has more of an immediate effect, than focusing on party politics. I do think we should do both, to a limited extent, but I believe that amount of work we do outside the ballot box and in our communities should exceed the amount of work we do…

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