Why I’m a Failure at Blogging

By Erynecarter06

You’re probably looking at the title of this post wondering, “Why would she even write something like this for her blog?”

And you’re right. I’m asking myself that too. But, here’s the thing. In terms of being a “blogger”, I do fail at it. Here’s why.

I go for long periods of time where I just don’t post.

A long period in the blogging world is a few days. I sometimes go for a week or two without posting anything. New content is key. Especially when you’re trying to build your audience. And if you don’t post, there isn’t new content for new and old readers to read. But it’s okay, because I didn’t start this blog to have hundreds of thousands of readers (even though it would be nice). I post when I feel the inspiration, or feel I have some worthy to say.

I forget to comment on other blogs.

Another key piece of blogging 101. To build a following, you must comment and connect with other bloggers. I try really really hard to do this. But sometimes, weeks go by when my time is limited, and I forget. It has nothing to do with the blog I’m reading or the content. I honestly just forget. Having said that, I might start setting reminders to check out my favorite blogs and comment on them.

Twitter and I have a love/hate relationship.

Yes. I love social media. I have a degree in it after all. But when it comes to using my own personal twitter, I find that sometimes I just don’t have the energy for it. I’ll go in spurts where I’ll find lots and lots of content to schedule via Hootsuite, including my blog posts, and try to connect with all the right people, and grow my following. And I’ll be really good about it for like 2 weeks. And then, something happens, and it all goes to hell. Literally. At the time of this post, I can’t tell you the last I actually scheduled something for Twitter (okay, it was probably in January). Or even really interacted with people on Twitter (again, that was probably last month). But whatever, you get the point.

My blog doesn’t have a niche.

My blog will never have a niche. Ever. I like to talk. I ramble a lot. This blog is essentially me thinking out loud. When I finally figured out a tagline I actually liked, see header above, I realized that it’s okay to not have a niche, because this blog is all about my musings. It’s who I am. I don’t fit into the healthy living category or the beauty category, or even the book review category. It’s a lifestyle blog. Purely because it’s the ramblings of my life.

It’s disorganized, random and sometimes unruly.

And no, I’m not talking about my life or my hair. Yes, my blog is all of those things. You many not be able to see it, but I certainly do on the back end. And boy is it a disaster. I’ve cleaned it up quite a bit since I redid the blog. But it’s still not organized. I just hope none of you notice, but you probably will now that I mentioned it.

But what I don’t fail at

Loving my blog to pieces. My blog is an extension of me. So it may fail in the traditional blogging sense, but to me, it’s a huge success and something I am oh so proud of.