Why I Love Wednesdays... Favorite Chunksters

By Bookaholic @BookReflections

I am returning with my feature... Why I love which takes place on Wednesdays. Today's proclamation of love concerns our Favorite Large (Chunky) Reads
Why I Love... You guessed it...Gone with the Wind

It has been some time since I discussed my love for Gone with the Wind, Selfish Scarlet, and Ravishing Rhett Butler (can men be ravishing?).  Yes, and when I refer to Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind, I must use his full name.  It just doesn't work any other way.  Most of you know (and will understandably roll your eyes) that my all time favorite book is Gone with the Wind.  You know that you love a book when it's the answer to almost every bookish question.  But I digress.
Gone with the Wind is my favorite Chunkster (a work I never heard before entering the book blogging arena) for a variety of reasons.  When I was in school, we had the accelerated reader program.  This is a reading program where students read books which have predetermined points based on the length and reading level.  After completing a book, you would take a 10 question test on the book and acquire varying points based on how well you do.  We could then cash in our points for prizes.  Some teachers integrated it into their classrooms and some didn't.  My sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Jimenez (who I still love), assigned each  student a point requirement per six week period and I believe that I was required to get 100 points.  I think most books were about 6 or 7 points.  The classics were usually around 9.  Well Gone with the Wind was 56.  So I picked it up...and the rest is history!!  In retrospect, it would seem difficult to take a test on such a long book, but then again, it's hard to forget Gone with the Wind.
I didn't have many chunksters to choose from because I actually don't prefer them.  You know, short attention span and all.
Which chunksters do you love? Feel free to create your own post and link up.  Don't want to create an entire post?  Tell me your favorites in the comments.  Thanks for stopping by for another week of Why I Love Wednesdays!!

If you want to play along, feel free to grab the image (there is a button on the right sidebar now) and link your post in the linky. Here goes.
LINKY INSTRUCTIONS: When naming your link, please choose the name of your post. Mine would say "Why I Love...Rhett Butler." Please link directly to your post and not your blog. Please participate :)
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