I predict the Solo movie will be good. It’s not really an Abrams production for one thing. So thankfully we don’t have to worry about his fixation on Tropes and the fact his movies are merely strong beginnings that disintegrate to self important nonsense is not really a concern. And we wont have to worry about his unbreakable pattern of treating original characters as mostly comic relief with zero respect towards the sentiment of the fans. It looks like the Han Solo movie is someone you’d have a beer (or Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster) with.
The success of Rogue 1 is big reason for hope for SOLO. Like Rogue 1 it wont have The First Order or Kylo Ren, so thats great right there. There could be a cameo from almost anyone, but maybe Obi-Wan makes the most sense as there’s probably some time spent on Tattooine in this movie.
The way it looks now the Solo Movie is worth risking the 15 bucks.
The Trailer was good. The director is Ron Howard, so we can take some confidence in that too. Donald Glover looks perfect as Lando and it seems we’ve got the good ol’ Millenium Falcon in the mix.
The new Han Solo, Alden Ehrenreich, looks the part and seemed breezy and loose in the trailer. While he doesn’t quite have Harrison Ford’s voice it’s still acceptable. He sounds enough like him for it not to be jarring.
Woody Harrelson is of some concern, but after his recent Planet of the Apes Bad Guy turn he seems like a decent Sci-Fi actor. The Apes character wasn’t all that great and he pulled it off. If you want to throw in decent performances playing not so great characters you’ve got the Hunger Games movies too. So Woody shouldn’t be an issue
With 24 hours to go until i sit down in my local theater (with my cell phone turned OFF) I’m EXCITED for the Solo movie.
Wild prediction – A Kessel Run movie would be great and could leave us at the moment Solo enters A New Hope the Creature Cantina. While this would e great it would sort of rule out any more Solo movies so maybe they go further back. The trailer seems to indicate it revolves around meeting Lando and obtaining ownership of an apparently slightly different looking Falcon.
Last Point – As Han Solo makes a few statements about not believing in the Force in A New Hope this should be a relatively Force-free movie. I mean if Han sees someone levitate or shoot lightning out of their hands we’ve got continuity issues.
Here’s the latest Trailer I could find-