Why I Don't Read Comments

Posted on the 30 August 2014 by Mikeb302000
Maybe. Just maybe by now one of you may have read and understood that the "Ban Guns" post wasn't about banning guns, but was a test to see if you actually read what I wrote.
And that you had some understanding of what I had written if you had read it.
I don't bother reading comments because I can tell that you usually don't bother reading what I wrote, or at least don't understand it.
I know it's not me since I have met people who understand what I am trying to say, yet for some reason you seem incapable of getting it.
In the case of the "Ban Guns" post, I would expect a comment along the lines of:
"Well, that's a dirty trick: we do actually read what you write."
As I had expected, the comments were totally out of touch with what was actually said.
It's hard to claim intelligence if you are incapable of understanding the English language, which most of you seem to be.
It's not that I am a snob or an elitist as much as you are a pack of idiots.