Why I Don't Accept Liebster Award ?

By Cifarshayar @cifarshayar

Liebster I searched is a German word which means beloved,dearest,sweetheart,etc which here in blogosphere indicates the blog you loved the most or the loved blog. I am lucky that so many blogger friend have nominated both of my blogs several times for this award the recent one by Anusree Burman  but I haven't accepted any. I am thankful to all of them for considering my blogs to bestow their love.
Since I am not accepting these nominations people may consider me rude or an asocial person who not wants any such interactions but I have some reasons for that which I think I should write to clarify my stand. Here are my reasons for declining liebster award :
  • Love should be unconditional but here so much conditions imposed to love a blog, some blogger only fulfill the condition to nominate at least 5 posts without actually liking that blog as I have hardly seen them visiting the blog they have nominated. There is no deal in love.
  • Why it's obligatory to answer 11 questions and than frame 11 questions for others, if you love a blog and read it regularly you could by default understand many things about that blogger. 
  • Display Liebster batch on your blog which is easily down-loadable from Google images that means you need not do anything to earn it like writing a post,a poem,etc. 
  • Copy pasting rules and then copy pasting comments to each blog you nominated what one learns from it? What's the use of this process? It would be better to send our blogs to liebster blog so that they display them there and ask other blogger to vote for them for their content. Each month then give that blogger the liebster award which received the highest number of votes. This could encourage to be better so to be voted for that award.
  • Limitation that you could nominate the blogger with less than 200 followers. What if we love a blog having more than 200 followers?
In the end I should emphasis on the point that it should not be a default award for the sake of a time pass activity but should be prestigious award you have earned with your work. But I am again thankful to all those who love my blogs by nominating me but I am sorry not to accept them for the reasons mentioned above.