Why I Didn't Freak Out When Someone Thought I Was Pregnant

By Momishblog @momishblog

I got on the elevator on the 9th floor. The doors opened on 6 welcoming a mom and the cutest 4-year-old little girl I’ve ever seen. Mom was a granola, backpack, earth mom type with that natural sunny beauty that comes from eating vegan more often than not. The daughter was outfitted in a fabulous little backpack, heart shaped purple sunglasses and curly pigtails. It was a small elevator, already occupied by another gentleman and me, so I leaned back against the wall to make room for these two adventure seekers. Before I know it, the little girl pops onto the elevator with her little arms outstretched and her little jazz hands touching my stomach shouting with the most delight, “Mommy, she’s going to have a baby!” As she touched the flowy fabric of my dress she realized quickly that I wasn’t actually pregnant and with the most confused look turned to her mother, hands still on my belly, and said, “Mommy, I don’t think she is going to have a baby.” The gentleman on the elevator was trying not to look and the mother was trying her best to crawl into corner and die of embarrassment. Me? I just smiled and said, “Hi Sweetheart.”

 Me & my dear friend Stephen shortly after my elevator ride

As we exited the building, the gentleman caught on this embarrassing ride couldn’t get away from us fast enough while Mom turned to me and attempted to apologize. I assured her it was no problem at all. That’s when she told me that ever since her daughter’s become a toddler she’s been obsessed with women’s bodies and what they do. Apparently, I’m not the only woman who’s experienced these sweet little outstretched hands. I assured Mom it was not a problem and asked that she not discipline her daughter for what happened. Why? Because she did nothing wrong.
In sharing this story with friends and my husband, everyone is shocked that I wasn’t upset so I thought it was important to share why. Think about this from the little girl’s perspective. She probably knows that when a woman is going to have a baby, her body is lovely, full, and round. As a plus size woman, my body is naturally that way. Since my body is so different than her mother’s her 4 years of logic told her I must be having a baby and that was clearly a magically discovery for her. Sure, I could be upset that someone thought I could be pregnant when I’m not actually but what good would that do. Besides, I’d be getting upset over the opinion of a 4 year old. And furthermore, what’s so wrong with being pregnant? It’s something beautiful and very natural that many women choose to experience. While I haven’t chosen that experience, I can still honor the natural beauty and wonderment it can provoke in a young girl. Lastly, this little girl is doing what comes natural to her. She’s asking questions, expressing curiosity and interest in her body and naturally in others. Perhaps if we encouraged young girls to be proud of their bodies, no matter their size or shape we can raise healthy young women with self-esteem and self-respect.  Shaming any woman, whether she’s 4 or 40, for her body is unnatural not to mention unkind. I, for one, think it’s time we all start being kind to ourselves and to others.  
This and other Momish Blog posts are also profiled on Moms Fort Wayne