Why Have a Regular Savings Plan?

Posted on the 01 June 2022 by Geetikamalik
Read Time:3 Minute, 56 Second

Having a regular savings plan may not be the most talked about thing right now, especially as stock, crypto, and forex trading are at the forefront of the financial buzz. However, it is extremely important to have a regular savings plan instead of just trading all the time. And for non-traders, it is equally important to save.

Differences between a regular savings plan and other forms of investments

There are many differences between a regular savings plan and other forms of investments such as stock, crypto, and forex trading. Below we will take a look at a few of them.

Firstly, the thing about savings plan is that they are designed for long-term growth. They are still considered investments, but they are typically not as high-risk if the saver does not want it to be. This is very unlike many other forms of investments, where short-term profits are coveted and there is a relatively high level of riskaccompanying each trade.

Secondly, contributions to your savings plan is usually done on a monthly basis, as an aside after receiving your salary. This is different from trading and other types of investments that do not follow a set or regular schedule. Instead, traders are more likely to input capital whenever they have some available.

Thirdly, the concept of savings plan is completely different from that of trading the financial markets. When people invest in a savings plan, they do it because of the stability and lack of volatility it offers. On the other hand, financial markets without any fluctuation or volatility would make stock, crypto, and currency trading very lacklustre and boring.

Finally, in regular savings, there is little use of technical analysis, as the focus is largely on your savings and its ability to compound with interest. There is also less focus on market trends

Benefits of having a regular savings plan

There are many benefits to having a regular savings plan, and there is a reason they are becoming popular and essential, even.

Potential for long-term growth

The best thing about a savings plan is that you can slowly grow your wealth without turbulence if you are risk-averse. Unlike financial markets, there will not be any huge fluctuations if you select low-risk investments and therefore you will likely not incur a loss from putting your money in a savings account.

When you put in a certain amount of money every month into your account, you will be surprised by how quickly it can snowball, especially with compound interest. For example, if you put in a monthly payment of just $50, with a growth of 5% and assuming ongoing charges of 0.75% and service fees of 0.35% a year, in 10 years, you will have $7,321 in your account. In 15 years, you will have $12,176.

Ability to select investment types based on your risk appetite

A regular savings plan is still an investment plan of some sort. However, within your savings, you can often choose between the types of investments you would like to make. This is particularly welcoming for savers who are risk-averse, as they can select low-risk investments and opt for stability and slower but much steadier growth.

Removing the temptation to spend money frivolously

Another positive thing about having a regular savings plan to contribute to is that it removes a lot of your temptation to spend money frivolously or needlessly. Many savings plan allows you to transfer money automatically into the account, so that when you get paid each month, you automatically send over a portion of your salary to be saved. This is great for impulsive shoppers and those who tend to find it difficult to save money for one reason or another.

Downsides to having a savings account

Despite having so many benefits, some people may feel restricted by having a savings account they have to regularly contribute to. This is especially true for people who live paycheck to paycheck and do not have spare money to save. Savings accounts are also not the top choice for people who prefer to have a bit more flexibility with their salary.

However, this flexibility can be scaled by simply choosing to manually contribute money to your account monthly instead of setting up direct debit.


All in all, regular savings account is a great way to build up your wealth over time. It involves minimal commitment, and there is always a financial advisor who will walk you through the basics of this type of investment before you contribute money. If you are interested in having your own savings plan, you can sign up at a reputable and reliable financial institution.

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The post Why have a regular savings plan? first appeared on Businessely.com.

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