Why Eyes Get Dry and How to Prevent It

Posted on the 28 October 2015 by Opticalh @OpticalH

The dry-eye syndrome is a common condition that occurs when the eyes do not make enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. This disease is the alteration of the external surface of the eyes which provokes an irritation.

Deep impact in the quality of life

The consequences are dry eyes, irritation, sensitivity to light and eyestrain. This painful sensation is the same as having something in the eyes. However, people who usually suffer from dry eyes are prone to feel these symptoms in autumn

The pain caused by the dry eyes are many: they go from occasionally rubbing the eyes to the repetitive feeling of stinging or itch. In any case, the dry eye has a high impact in the quality of life of the patient.

Tears protect our eyes

The lacrimal layer is divided in three different parts. In the first place, here it is the same type of cells that secrete the mucus which is also in our intestinal and respiratory tract. So and to some extent, this mucus is quite similar with the one around the cornea which surround the eyes with a thin and viscous layer. In the second place, there is a component called lacrimal gland which is located in the upper part of both eyes and it is the one responsible for providing thick and bright tears. Finally and in the third place, dozens of Meibomian glands, which are located in the upper and lower part of the eyelids, pump an oiled secretion that prevent the tears from evaporating.

Our body immediately reacts when our senses perceive some kind of danger or threat. This reaction provokes that our eyes blink or produce tears. Any type of damage caused in the lacrimal layer will turn into blurred vision and as time passes, it could lead to permanent damage in the cornea.

Contact lenses’ users

Unlike any other parts of the human body, the eyes get the oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood. Nevertheless, nowadays some improvements have been made in relation to this fact. The creation of the gas permeable contact lenses (GP or RGP) by Bausch+Lomb in the 60s was a great advancement. Thanks to them we can already enjoy contact lenses that don’t “choke” our eyes.

This type of contact lenses are particularly recommended for people who occasionally suffer from dry eyes because they allow the eyes to get oxygen and to be continually hydrate. Besides, using moisturizing eye drops could be useful in these cases.

In any case, the contact lenses’ users must follow very carefully certain cleaning and preserving advices that manufacturers recommend. Their reason for doing so is that the long-term use of them or the inadequate cleaning could provoke a high impact on our visual health.

How to prevent the eye-dry syndrome

Although the dry-eye syndrome could appear for so many reasons, in general and in most of the cases some standards could be followed:

  • To blink at least 15 times per minute. If you are using the computer, this time frequency could be reduced to 5 times per minute if and when the eye is completely closed when we blink.
  • To avoid the tobacco smoke and the pollution.
  • To avoid the air conditioning or the heating of the air from going directly to the eyes because that increase the evaporation of the tears.
  • To use moisturizing eye-drop.
  • Correctly use the contact lenses, that is, following the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding its cleaning, use and maintenance. Generally speaking, you shouldn’t wear them for more than 8 hours. Take a look to our brief contact lenses-care guide.
  • Don’t abuse of make-up and/or of eyedrops.
  • To eat a healthy, balance diet, like the Mediterranean one, that provide Omega-3 acids which are the ones the eyes need to protect themselves.

In any case, if the symptoms persist or if they frequently repeat, you will have to go to see a doctor immediately because he or she will be the one who decide if you need an especial treatment.