Why Don't The Republicans Want An Investigation ?

Posted on the 20 September 2018 by Jobsanger

(Cartoon image is by Lalo Alcaraz.)
The victim of a sexual attack by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when he was in high school has called for the FBI to investigate her claim. She did this knowing that it is a crime to lie to the FBI, and the quickest way to be exposed (if she's not telling the truth) is for the FBI to investigate.
Who doesn't want the FBI to investigate? Donald Trump, the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Brett Kavanaugh. Why? An FBI investigation would be the best way to prove his innocence.
I think we all know why the Republicans don't want any real investigation (and are doing their best to prevent one). They know that the victim is telling the truth. They are terrified that the FBI would find evidence of Kavanaugh's guilt -- and that would mean he has been lying. That would disqualify him to sit on the Supreme Court.
The Republicans are desperate to whitewash Kavanaugh and confirm him. He will rubber stamp their agenda, and protect their criminal president. So they will block an investigation, and then do their best to demonize Kavanaugh's victim. They have no shame, and long ago sold their ethics for political gain.