Why Does My Dog Have an Upset Stomach?

By David13676 @dogspired

There are many reasons for dog vomiting. He might have eaten something he shouldn’t have, eaten too fast for his own good, or it could be because of a hidden illness or another serious problem. A dog’s stomach can only hold so much food and water at a time, so changing up his meal schedule may be a simple fix to your dog’s vomiting problem. However, a dog or puppy vomiting might be from a more serious condition, and may require immediate medical attention.

For some dogs, vomiting everyday is simply a normal occurrence. Sometimes, it may be more serious than food regurgitation. It is important to find out what is causing your dog’s vomiting, even if it is as simple as not feeding him table scraps anymore. It could be a potentially life-threatening problem and may lead to extreme dehydration, intestinal problems and even organ failure. You should always take your dog to the vet if your dog has been vomiting more than twice an hour.

Reasons why your dog keeps vomiting

Intestinal parasites – These may cause both vomiting and diarrhea in puppies and adult dogs. Dogs have also been known to contract illnesses such as the flu, which can cause minor vomiting.

Excess stomach acid – If your dog is vomiting yellow, and is usually shortly after his meals, this could mean that your dog has an overproduction of bile and acids. This can be fixed by feeding your dog more often, and in smaller amounts.

Food intolerance – A change of your dog’s food may also cause vomiting and diarrhea if they are intolerant to certain ingredients. Food such as salt, pork, fish, beef and wheat may cause food intolerance.

Grass – Some dogs have a habit of eating grass. There is no known reason as to why dogs will eat grass, but it is normal. Vomiting after a dog eats grass doesn’t always occur, but if he eats too much, he may vomit.

Non food items – Dogs are natural scavengers. They have tendencies to eat garbage, dead animals, plants, and anything else they think may be a good idea. Some are harmless, but others may be very dangerous to your dog.

Human food - Some foods, especially those that are high in fat, sugar and salt should not be given to dogs on a regular basis. Not only can they cause vomiting, but they can actually lead to serious illnesses in the future such as diabetes.

Eating or drinking too much – This is common with puppies and small breeds. If they eat too fast and too much at a time, they may vomit shortly after eating.

Illness and disease – Illnesses such as pancreatitis, cancers and canine parvo may cause vomiting. Tumors, ear infections and some bacterial infections may also cause vomiting. Always keep an eye out for secondary symptoms along with vomiting as well as a change in behavior. When in doubt, call your veterinarian right away.

What to do if your dog keeps vomiting

If your dog’s case of vomiting is more serious, you should always take him to the veterinarian. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics if something spoiled or a dead animal was eaten. In serious cases, your dog may need to be kept overnight on an IV drip to ensure no dehydration occurs.

If your dog has a mild case of vomiting, your vet may recommend Tylenol or Pepto Bismol. NEVER give these to your dog without a vet’s consent first.

You should take away any food if your dog vomits frequently in a day. You can offer ice chips to keep him hydrated, but no fluids should be given if your dog has diarrhea or continues to vomit. Once he has kept water down for 12 hours, you can introduce bland meals. Some may include plain oatmeal, boiled hamburger or rice. Over the next few days if your dog has stopped vomiting, you can re-introduce his regular food.

For more information about dog vomiting, what to look for, home remedies and more, visit www.dogvomitinghelp.com.