Why Does My Baby’s Chin Quiver Occasionally?

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

I was at church on Sunday and was gazing at the newest baby in our extended family.  I noticed that his chin was quivering.  As a seasoned mom, I knew that this was a normal and that it is caused by a baby’s immature nervous system.  As a first time mom, seeing your baby’s chin quiver might make you run and grab the phone so that you can make a phone call to your pediatrician to find out if your baby’s chin quivering is normal or not.

Disclosure: This blog post is for informational purposes only.  If you feel that your child needs to be seen by a doctor, please contact your child’s doctor or health care provider for an appointment.

If your pediatrician’s office is anything like ours, it might take an hour or two before you get a phone call back from the doctor’s nurse.  Only to ensure you that a quivering chin is normal symptom in a baby that is under three or four months of age.  While your baby was still in the womb, they were protected by your amniotic fluid and once they are born they have to quickly adapt to life outside of the womb.

Once your baby is born, their nervous system is still immature and it continues to develop for the first few months of a baby’s life.  The quivering chin is a normal symptom of your baby’s underdeveloped nervous system.  In fact, you might also notice that your baby’s arms and legs shake as they are drifting off to sleep.  There is no need to worry about the quivering chin or shaky arms and legs.  These symptoms should begin to subside by the time your baby is three or four months old.

If you see your baby’s chin quiver, it isn’t a sign that they are cold; instead, it is just a symptom that your baby’s nervous system is still underdeveloped.  This is one of those quirks that a baby does.  Information about an newborn’s quiver chin often times isn’t found in baby books and causes many parents to worry about their baby.  If your child is still having symptoms of a quivering chin after they reach three or four months old, please consult your pediatrician to rule out other causes.