Why Does Breastfed Baby Not Take Formula?

Posted on the 10 April 2020 by Daisy Chen

Despite how much you and your baby enjoy breastfeeding, there will come a time when you are separated and he/she will need to be fed through a bottle. So, if you have started to plan ahead to this situation, but your baby isn’t putting up for this change of environment, stick around to see why this is and how you could combat it.

Why your baby won’t take formula

There are several reasons as to why your baby isn’t taking formula now that you think it is time for the change. Don’t panic though, you are in the same boat as millions of mothers around the world. The first reason why babies might not like the transition is because they have got used to the luxury of drinking from a breast. Babies like nothing more than that; they are close to their mother, drinking milk that they are used to tasting and have instinctive reflexes on how to drink it. Once they are used to this, anything else seems bad and distasteful, which is why it could be quite the challenge changing to formula. Expecting instant results is unrealistic, and the longer your baby has been drinking from your breast is the harder it will be for them to make the transition. On top of this, the milk in the formula will taste completely different to the milk coming from your breast, which is a reason why your baby may experiment with the new design, but just spit out the milk because they don’t like the taste. This can be combated through using high-quality, healthy and tasty formula, which you can see in the paragraph below here. As mentioned, babies also have instinctive reflexes on how to drink from a mother’s breast, and will even reach for it minutes after coming out the womb as you may have noticed. Babies are able to get milk from a breast with almost no effort involved at all, which is why they don’t like it when they are forced to work harder for it from a plastic bottle. The plastic in the bottle may also create the formula to taste different to how it is meant too, leaving your baby even more un-impressed. So, now that you are educated on why your baby is giving you all this hassle, check out the next paragraph on how to combat all of this.

How to get your baby to take formula

Once that previously mentioned sucking reflex has disappeared, which is usually around three months and onward, your baby will have some real trouble transitioning to formula from a bottle. So to encourage your babies acceptance of a bottle feed, you can offer them a bottle with a little expressed breast milk (EBM) a few times a week starting at the age of 4 weeks. This will allow your baby to transition into bottle feeding, and you won’t. have any issues with it when the time comes for it to be a regular occurrence. Your baby may refuse the bottle for countless reasons, so here is a detailed list on what you can do when your baby refuses to drink the formula

  • Provide the expressed breast milk in a high-quality bottle
  • Drip the formula from the bottle into your babies mouth so that they can get used to the taste without having to do the hard work
  • Try to distract the baby when feeding them the formula. Eg: Cradle and sing to them whilst you are doing it
  • Try different feeding positions than just holding them. Put them in their crib, stroller or other comfortable environments
  • Ask other trusted people to offer the baby the formula, like your husband/wife, kids, grandparents and so on
  • Shop around for different shaped and easy to drink from teats
  • Encourage the baby to suck on your breast, and then quickly replace it with the formula in the bottle
  • Try offering the bottle when the baby is either drifting off to sleep or is stirring from sleep
  • If your baby becomes overwhelmed and stressed, immediately stop. Soothe him/her and calm them down so you can try another time
  • Never force the bottle into your babies mouth as this could create an aversion to bottle feeding with them
  • Remain patient. Your little miracle isn’t being difficult on purpose, it is just sometimes hard to master a new skill, especially at this young

If you don’t think that you will be separated from your baby before they are able to drink from a cup, which is usually after the first eight months, then there may be no need to teach them how to drink from the bottle. They will however need to be adjusted to the new tasting formula, but this is a pretty easy job. But if separation is a regular event and it is guaranteed that you and your baby won;t see each other at the designated feeding times within the first eight months of his/her life, then you definitely should follow all the aforementioned advice and make sure they are comfortable drinking from a bottle with formula. Remember, if it has been months and the bottle just isn’t working, there are some alternatives. You can put the formula in a spoon or small cup for your baby to drink, but these are pretty time consuming and not very practical if you have a busy schedule and if separation is a regular occurrence.

How to choose which bottle and formula to purchase


When choosing the right formula for your baby, you can rest assured that anything at all that you can purchase has been kept to strict health and safety standards. This means that you couldn’t find a baby formula that would actually harm your child even if you tried, which is obviously a great thing. But if you’re trying to really get the most out of your chosen baby formula, most cow milk-based baby formulas are of good quality and high in nutritional value if that’s the route you’re looking to take. When going for a brand, it may be quite a bit more expensive, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it is of higher quality for your baby. On top of this, doing research to find what time of baby formula a hospital uses also isn’t a good idea, as they tend to just use the cheapest mass-produced baby formula available. For babies under 12 months, it is recommended that you use the previously mentioned cows milk formula as opposed to the soybean formula, due to cows milk being of more nutritional value for the young ones. Your baby may be in the small category where they cannot have cows milk (If you do not know get your child checked) and in this case, they will need a special formula. Special baby formulas should only be used under medical supervision and should not be made at home without the advice of a medical expert, so you can rest assured your child will stay as healthy as possible. Once you have a healthy formula, you can then worry about the way you can feed it to your child and how they will react to it.


Choosing the best bottle out of the millions of options can be a bit daunting. After all, the bottle is a crucial part in what decides whether your baby has a smooth transition into the formula from breast milk. The sad truth is, you won’t know which bottle your child will like until he/she tries it. So it’s recommended that you purchase the bottle and three or four different cheap nipples for the bottle with a different complexion that you believe your baby will like the most. Do the testing with your baby, and determine which of the nipples is their favorite. It is best to purchase bottles that minimize air bubbles, such as drop-in inserts, angled tops or vents because it is likely that you will have to buy these later anyways if your baby turns out to be gassy.

Final thoughts

So, if you are a parent with a baby who isn’t the best when it comes to breastfeeding, make sure you stick by all the guidelines that were mentioned in this article. Do make sure you have chosen the correct bottle and formula for your baby before you begin the transition, which should usually start at about four weeks. Make sure that your baby starts off drinking your expressed milk in the bottle before slowly transitioning into the formula, as experts say this is the best way to keep your baby strong and healthy. Be sure not to force the plastic bottle into your baby’s mouth if they are being difficult, as not only will this stress them out but it will traumatize them leaving them hating the bottle for a long period of time, if not for the entirety of their baby life. Finally, this is a smooth and gentle transition, and as long as you follow the previously mentioned steps, your baby should be drinking the formula in no-time.

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