Why Do People Tell Ghost Stories at Christmas?

Posted on the 10 March 2022 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

Christmas is not just about Carols and celebrating Jesus Christ’s Birthday; it is one of the most hallowed ways to add spark to the winter solstice. It is surrounded by fascinating tales, most of which are related to ghosts.

In the thousands of Christmas traditions and beliefs, people deem in Wild Hunt, where the ghosts processed the sky. As a midwinter and Christmas tradition, people listen to scary ghost stories of monstrous and supernatural beings and visit various castles for ghost hunts and discover the castle history and castle stories closely. It introduces entertainment to this special day. Castrum to Castle is one of the best places to read about the history of castles and castle ghost stories.

This blog will disclose more about why people are fascinated with ghost stories at Christmas and how this tradition began.

Why do people tell ghost stories at Christmas?

People tell ghost stories at Christmas, and this tradition continues for specific reasons. Humans love storytelling. It allows them to add fun to a boring situation. During the medieval period, when there were no modes of entertainment like television, radio, and the internet, people used to entertain themselves by telling stories. With time, this became a tradition for many communities around the world.

On special occasions like Christmas, every family member and friend prefer to get together and tell ghost stories, recite skaldic poetry, and share their experiences. Some people even believe that ghosts are the most powerful on Christmas. Some have even experienced paranormal activities occurring around them, which are unexplainable.

You must have heard the classic Andy William’s Christmas song “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” If you will look into its meaning, it clearly depicts that “There is something unusual happening at the end of the year and scary ghost stories at Christmas tradition is with us for a very long time ago.” Many authors have even written their own ghostly little stories and experiences happening around Christmas. It is believed that some of them, including Dickens, started sharing such stories to save the winter holiday tradition from dying during the Industrial revolution.

It’s still hard to say ghosts really exist or are supernatural spirits most powerful in winters and at the end of the year, but looking into old literature work and stories can tell you that something unexplainable is definitely used to experience by people in those years. Also, horror has the power to strengthen and heal us. It can add excitement to our lives. We can learn about recognising danger and dying through it. So, whether you listen to castle ghost stories, share your experiences, or do ghost hunting, taking this tradition ahead can be the best thing to make the holiday season enjoyable.

How to keep the Christmas scary ghost stories tradition alive?

In the fast-paced world, we all are surrounded by smartphones and social media. As a result, our way of celebrating Christmas has changed. When many traditions survived through generations, recounting ghost stories with family and friends around the fire on Christmas has been somehow forgotten. Many of us don’t even know what the authentic Christmas traditions were and how scary ghost stories at Christmas influenced our lives.

It’s undeniable that storytelling is the way to go further, no matter how much we modernise. And Christmas ghost stories are the past, present, future. And ghosts are swirling around us, and they become more potent in the dead of the year. They could be good or bad, but they never miss a chance to give us an idea about their presence. They remind us that the world is haunted. Therefore, why miss a chance to experience them and add thrill to your Christmas? You can keep this tradition of telling scary ghost stories among your family and friends so that they can know how exciting it can make the holiday season. You can even take the kids to castles and tell them the related ghost stories.

So how do you celebrate Christmas? Are you still sending Christmas cards, decorating Christmas trees, or singing carols? Or do you kick off the winter fun by listening to Christmas ghost stories? Or is there any paranormal activity that happened with you around Christmas? Let us know in the comment section.