Why Confetti Is Just as Important As the Dress!

By Claire

Why con­fetti is as impor­tant as your wed­ding dress!

The excite­ment of look­ing at your wed­ding day pho­tos to remem­ber your big day will never go away. One of the most spon­ta­neous and nat­ural pic­tures will be the moment your pho­tog­ra­pher cap­tures del­i­cate con­fetti float­ing down on the happy new­ly­wed couple.

Throw­ing con­fetti over a newly mar­ried cou­ple is a tra­di­tion that’s been present in British wed­dings for over two cen­turies as it sym­bol­ises the wish of a fer­tile mar­riage. When most peo­ple think about con­fetti they think of small coloured paper shapes which you could buy from a vari­ety of con­ve­nience stores.

Orig­i­nally con­fetti was made from rice or shred­ded paper; today cou­ples want to be able to match their con­fetti to their wed­ding theme and are choos­ing to pro­vide it them­selves in the form of nat­ural petals. Nat­ural petals come in a vari­ety of colours and sizes which can be pre­sented in a num­ber of ways to also match the theme includ­ing coloured cones, pails and bas­kets. Dis­play­ing con­fetti in cones in a promi­nent place out­side the church or venue for guests to take a hand­ful is a great way to ensure guests only shower you with your cho­sen confetti.

Con­fetti is one of the most ver­sa­tile acces­sories for your wed­ding day, not only can it be used to cre­ate wow fac­tor pho­tos, it can also be used to dec­o­rate tables at your recep­tion venue, cake, favours and even to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful petal path.

Doesn’t con­fetti sound mag­i­cal? There­fore, why do cou­ples still for­get to sup­ply it for their big day? Flick­ing through any bridal mag­a­zine you will see lifestyle images of happy cou­ples hav­ing con­fetti thrown over them, if you want to cap­ture that spe­cial moment for­ever – don’t for­get the con­fetti, it is just as impor­tant as the dress!

How to Get the Wow Fac­tor Con­fetti Shot

Here are some tips on how to get the per­fect ‘wow’ fac­tor shot:

  • The major­ity of churches and venues only allow biodegrad­able con­fetti to be used – choose 100% nat­ural petals ready for your guests to shower you with on your wed­ding day. As most churches and venues have strict rules about using con­fetti. Take sam­ples to show them to ensure you can use your cho­sen confetti.
  • Colour co-ordinate with your wed­ding theme or brides­maids dresses. If you want a bright, bold splash of color in the con­fetti shot choose a mix of colours to enhance the effect. For a more sub­tle shot white con­fetti works won­der­fully to add a del­i­cate flut­ter effect.
  • Make sure you have enough con­fetti for each of your guests to throw a big hand­ful, the more they throw, the bet­ter the shot will be.
  • Dis­cuss the loca­tion with your pho­tog­ra­pher before your wed­ding day; they will be able to decide where to take the con­fetti shot accord­ing to the light and setting.
  • For a full con­fetti shot ask your guests to stand close and throw the petals high to cre­ate the per­fect flutter.
  • You could ask your pho­tog­ra­pher to bring the con­fetti with them and pro­duce it for your guests at the right time. This stops your guests hav­ing to worry about car­ry­ing it and won­der­ing when to throw it.
  • Relax and enjoy the con­fetti moment!

Remem­ber con­fetti is not just for your wed­ding day; place roman­tic petals in a hot bath to share with your loved one on your anniver­sary to remem­ber the con­fetti moment each year.

For more tips and ideas of what you can do with your con­fetti visit the web­site www.shropshirepetals.com.

Photo credit: ShropshirePetals.com Hand­ful of Con­fetti from £10.50 per liter (photo by McAvoy Wed­dings)