Why Companies Prefer Ruby on Rails Software Development for Prototyping

Posted on the 28 July 2022 by Botreetechnologeis @botreetech

Currently, 1,071,057 Ruby on Rails websites are live. 7.4% of the top 10,000 websites use Ruby on Rails software development.

Ruby on Rails is today's reliable technology. While some consider it outdated, many rigorously believe in its development capability. From startups to enterprises, everyone equally admires Rails.

The last two decades have seen a rise in Ruby on Rails. The framework shows long-term effectiveness. We at BoTree, intensively use Ruby on Rails for application development.

Ruby on Rails Software Development: Making faster MVPs

Ruby on Rails is often called "the startup technology." Why so? Because it enables rapid prototyping. Startups build their MVPs (minimum viable products) 30% - 40% faster with Ruby on Rails.

Rails application development services simplify application creation. While it's an 18-year-old framework, it receives continuous updates.

Also, Rails has plugins that reduce the development time. Expert Ruby on Rails developers are available without any hassle. The overall time, cost, and effort taken to build a Rails app is much less than those with similar capabilities.

On top of that, Ruby on Rails framework development is scalable. The following story shows how.

Shopify and Ruby on Rails: A SUCCESS STORY

Shopify was a result of a poor shopping experience of 3 friends. The ecommerce development platform came into existence when Ruby on Rails was at its peak.

Today, the platform claims over 300,000 customers. Still, the company uses Ruby on Rails in its technology stack. As a result, it is scalable and super fast.

In the Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend of 2020, sales from Shopify merchants were around $5 billion.

In its initial years, Shopify was tapping into Ruby's expanding ecosystem. Today, it is making use of its mature and stable development capabilities. In addition, the company is investing in research & development on how to optimize peak performance with Ruby.

Shopify also contributes to the open-source Ruby project. They are finding ways to deploy frequently through Ruby on Rails web development services.

So why does Shopify, and for that matter, many other companies still care so much about Ruby on Rails? Let's find out.

5 Reasons Ruby on Rails is Suitable for Prototyping

Whoever says Ruby on Rails is dead should go search for Rails 7.0. The updates are right around the corner, and transforming the entire Rails ecosystem.

Now, Ruby on Rails upgrade services are in high demand. As the technology progresses, new implementations will ultimately multiply the demand for Rails developers.

However, it remains one of the fastest web and application development frameworks.

Here are 5 reasons companies prefer Ruby on Rails consulting and development -

  1. Faster development
    • Yes - we know Rails is fast. But why? Startups create prototypes using Rails because it reduces the development time by 30% - 40%.
    • First of all, Ruby has simple syntax. It's beginner-friendly and similar to the English language. Secondly, Ruby on Rails has RubyGems, which are ready-made plugins. There's a gem for everything - payment gateway, authorization, and more. Developers at any Ruby on Rails web development company don't have to write each piece of code from scratch.
    • And finally, Rails follows the convention over configuration principle. There's no need to customize the environment. It's predefined. Developers can easily start working without wasting a lot of time.
  2. Framework stability
    • Every Ruby on Rails development company loves the framework for its stability. It's a mature framework with 18 years of experience and upgrades.
    • It provides object-oriented programming, multi-platform development (Windows, Linux, etc.), and functional programming. The framework offers smooth integration with AngularJS.
    • Developers know what's going on when working with Rails. Today, there are Ruby on Rails experts with 10+ years of experience. Ruby on Rails upgrade services are also popular because the framework receives frequent updates. Rails 7.0 is just around the corner.
  3. Cost-effectiveness
    • Prototypes can be expensive. However, Ruby on Rails makes it cost-effective. Any company that wants a quick MVP at an affordable price will prefer Ruby on Rails software development.
    • Why so? Ruby on Rails developers are easily available. They demand a decent salary that doesn't put a hole in the budget. On the other hand, a startup can hire a Ruby on Rails software development company without going beyond their spending plan.
    • Another reason - Ruby on Rails takes less time to develop. Therefore, there's no need to deploy the development team for a longer time. Faster development means less expenditure - leading to affordable application development.
  4. User-friendly language
    • Development teams often get stuck in the complexities of technology. They require something that simplifies things.
    • Ruby on Rails is a user-friendly language. It is dynamically typed, readable, and elegant. Developers love working with Ruby on Rails because it offers the simplicity of reading and writing the English language. Rails is also open-source - meaning frequent contributions and upgrades make the framework excellent for quick development.
    • Features like Metaprogramming make it a powerful companion for prototypes. Rails doesn't believe in complexities. It works on the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle. It minimizes lines in the codebase and eases the process even for new developers who join the project.
  5. Supportive community
    • More than 5000 people contribute to Ruby on Rails on GitHub. Even Django, the most popular Python framework, has 2950 contributors. One can imagine how vast and experienced the Rails community is.
    • Prototyping involves support from people who know what they are doing. The massive Rails community has developers with 15+ years of experience. They provide assistance on multiple projects. There are codes, plugins, and updates that the community creates on a regular basis to guide beginner developers.
    • Ruby has more developers than .NET, Pearl, and even Python. While the number is stable or maybe decreasing these days, Ruby developers stand firm in their support of the technology.
Read More: Top 10 Ruby on Rails Development Companies in 2021


While Ruby on Rails application development services may seem to fade away, they are still relevant for startups and enterprises. Companies will always consider Ruby on Rails as a choice for their prototypes. The faster development process, cost-effectiveness, and support entice enterprises to choose Rails for their primary MVP development.
Today, good Ruby on Rails experts may be hard to find as many move to Python and other technologies. However, BoTree Technologies has Ruby on Rails developers who are creating amazing products. If you want to see what we have done and what we are prepared to offer, consult us today for free.