Why Buying a Used Forklift is a Smart Business Move

Posted on the 18 September 2024 by Aamritri

In the dynamic world of business, especially within industries involving warehousing, construction, and manufacturing, having the right equipment is crucial for success. A forklift is one of the essential pieces of equipment for any operation that requires moving heavy items or large quantities of materials. However, the decision to purchase a forklift can be a significant financial commitment. This is why many businesses are turning to the used equipment market. Buying a used forklift, rather than a new one, can be a very smart business move for several reasons:

1. Cost Efficiency

The most apparent advantage of buying a second hand forklifts in Sydney is the cost savings. New forklifts can be quite expensive, and the upfront cost can be prohibitively high for small to medium-sized businesses. Used forklifts, on the other hand, can be purchased at a fraction of the cost of a new model. This lower cost can free up capital for other investments within the business, be it additional equipment, staff training, or expansion initiatives.

2. Depreciation

Like most vehicles and heavy machinery, forklifts depreciate the moment they leave the showroom. A new forklift can lose a significant portion of its value in the first few years. By purchasing a used forklift, you avoid the initial depreciation hit. This means that not only do you pay less, but the forklift also retains a comparative percentage of its value for a longer period.

3. Immediate Availability

Purchasing a new forklift often involves a waiting period, from order to delivery. This can be due to manufacturing times, shipping delays, or dealership availability. Used forklifts are readily available for immediate purchase, which means that businesses can get the equipment they need without delay, thereby avoiding downtime and loss of productivity.

4. Variety of Choices

The used forklift market often has a wide range of models and makes available, providing buyers with more options to find something that fits their specific needs. This variety includes different lift capacities, fuel types (electric, diesel, gas), and mast heights. Additionally, well-established used forklift dealers often provide a range of aftermarket modifications and attachments that can customize the equipment to further meet specific requirements.

5. Proven Performance

One advantage of a used forklift is that it has a track record and proven history of performance. You can obtain maintenance logs and usage reports that will give insights into the reliability and operational status of the forklift. This kind of information can help buyers make an informed decision and choose a machine that is known for endurance and good performance.

6. Environmental Impact

Buying used is an excellent choice for the environmentally conscious. Extending the life of a forklift by purchasing it second-hand means fewer new machines need to be produced, and fewer old machines end up in landfills prematurely. This can significantly reduce your company's carbon footprint.

7. Insurance and Tax Advantages

Used forklifts often come with lower insurance costs compared to new ones because their lower value reduces the insurance premium. Additionally, some regions offer tax advantages for purchasing used equipment, which can provide further financial benefits to the business.

Maximizing ROI with a Used Forklift Purchase

One of the strategic moves in maximizing the return on investment (ROI) with a used forklift is ensuring a thorough inspection and considering future maintenance costs. By opting for a used forklift that has been well-maintained and comes with a complete service history, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of unexpected repair costs. Additionally, choosing a model known for its durability and longevity can further safeguard the investment. Training employees on proper operation and maintenance can also extend the lifespan of the equipment, hence, maximizing the ROI. Investing in a used forklift doesn't just save money upfront; it can also contribute to long-term savings through reduced maintenance and operational costs.


Choosing to purchase a used forklift can offer numerous advantages across the board from financial savings and immediate availability to environmental benefits. It's a practical decision for many businesses, particularly those looking to expand operations while maintaining a tight control over capital expenses. Before making a purchase, always ensure you buy from a reputable dealer, check the machine's condition and service history, and consider your business's specific needs. A smart approach to buying used can make all the difference in making the most out of your investment.