Why ‘Be Positive’ Isn’t the Right Advice When You’re Feeling Low?

By Dudepins @dudepins
Why ‘Be Positive’ isn’t the right advice when you’re feeling low? "Don't base your decisions on the advice of those who don't have to deal with the results."

As much you try to apply the numerous logic that others and life throw at you when you are feeling low, nothing seems to work out. All the affirmations and the strategies aimed at bringing up oneself and motivating to feel better - they all fail. It is not always women who feel low, men too have both ups and down in life that takes them on a roller coaster ride of being low and excited in the various situations. In fact, women are the ones who know how to express their feelings but the dudes find it quite difficult holding on too strong which results in feeling low.

Talking about advice, which definitely keeps coming in from all the ends but all aren't as useful as they should be. It is being peaceful within that can help someone come back to the surface with a bang.

"Be positive" is the new way to tell someone that everything will be okay and also to motivate them and cheer them up. The truth is - it doesn't work! It never did and it will never help anyone who is already preoccupied with other things and thoughts. It is more or less telling someone that you should feel better now because I have motivated you quite a lot. And it's downright annoying and useless to be told it again.

Now the question is - if being positive isn't the right advice when someone is feeling low, what should be done?

Don't talk about it a lot

Why ‘Be Positive’ isn’t the right advice when you’re feeling low?

Image Source: www.clipd.com

It is like reliving the stressful moment again and again when you talk about it to not one or two but a number of people. Talk about it to those who can actually provide a solution to the problem rather than listening, giving not-so-useful advice and spreading the word like wildfire among others. So, it is better to keep it to limited people who matter.

Choose between fight or fly

Why ‘Be Positive’ isn’t the right advice when you’re feeling low?

Image Source: www.clipd.com

When you/someone is in a bad mood and feeling really low, there are a thousand things constantly going in your head. From how to feel energetic to should I stay the same with the same mood, everything keeps on hitting your head making you more confused. Now you have to segregate the thoughts crawling in your head into - whether you want to fight or flight from the problem. The flight mode works just like your smartphone does. It blocks all the access to calls, messages, and ways for others to reach to you. It is a temporary method to run from the problems. Hence, fighting and overcoming is what you must look out for.

Accepting what comes to you - but letting go

Image Source: www.thepositivitysolution.com

When you are in the flight mode, you know that someday or the other you have to come to the society and family set up. It would be useless to stay aloof from others. You must let anything that comes to you come, but make sure you let go of the things that bring sadness in your life. In fact, you cannot stop the negativity to flow in but you always have the option to let go of things. Do that!!

Dress well to keep yourself content

Image Source: www.igmodelnews.com

When you shop, things around you get brighter! You must have heard this before because this is absolutely true. When you pay attention to yourself, pamper yourself with handsome outfits, pleasing men's underwear , complementing accessories, you feel good from within. You should indulge in this when skies turn gray for you.

Meditation helps you focus on life

Image Source: www.goodmenproject.com

You cannot deny the benefits of meditation! Can you? Well, it is the most basic, fruitful and result-oriented method to make someone feel better. If you are struggling with something, try meditation and the different ways to do it right. The results will be fabulous.

