Why Aren’t My Kids Prodigy’s?

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

(By the way, the kids in the picture are not mine. They are way to adorable to be mine.)

His name is Titus Ashby. He started shooting hoops at age 2. He’s awesome. You may have seen his videos on YouTube where his parents pimp him out to the world. He’s a basketball hoop shooting prodigy. He can shoot his little basketball into a hoop from any angle or height. It’s down right crazy.  I’ll add a few of the videos but first let’s talk about this.

He’s now 5 and doing soccer shots now. Really? I can’t get my teen and college kid to make up their beds! This kid performs on demand and I can’t get mine to hand me the TV remote from one couch over. This kid is probably making big bank. My kids are draining mine!

Titus has also met celebrities and had them in his videos. My kids? Nada. Titus has been on Jimmy Kimmel, My kids still watch Sponge Bob. And I think my kids think Sponge Bob is real.

Sure I know that most kids aren’t prodigies but I was hoping for at least some talent at my house and flipping water bottles onto doors and cabinets aren’t going to pay for college.

But I love my kids in spite of their lack of mad skills. Maybe one day they will surprise me.

This Titus kid and his family are pretty amazing. The videos are fun to watch and I for one, can’t wait to see how this kid turns out. Until then, watch these videos. (Maybe one day I can post a video of my kids doing something awesome so we can make bank to go on a decent vacation).

And his latest is here:

So, is your kid a prodigy?