Why Are Your Gums Bleeding?

Posted on the 03 June 2017 by Allyson3james

You’ve Got Gum Disease

While brushing if you see red, then it is likely caused by early stage gum disease or gingivitis. Normally the bacteria live in the mouth and build up and form a sticky film on the teeth called as plaque which when not removed can make the gums to swell up, turn red and bleed.

You Skip Brushing and Flossing

If you want to prevent gum disease and stop the bleeding; always keep our mouth clean. Follow dentist’s advice and brush with fluoride toothpaste once after each mean and before bed. Floss everyday and use an antiseptic mouthwash. Visit your dentist twice a year for checkups to catch gum disease early, before it leads to tooth loss.

You’ve Changed Your Flossing Habits

Are you new to the routine of flossing? Probably you’ll notice some bleeding as your gums get calm down. Don’t let the sight of blood make you give up this healthy habit. Flossing removes the plaque to prevent the bleeding gums in the future.

Your Toothbrush Is Too Rough

The hard bristles can hurt the delicate gums. Bleeding could be a sign that you need to use softer brush or you are going to intensely at your gums. Buy a soft or extra-soft toothbrush and use a gentle back and forth motion to clean your gums and teeth so that you don’t injure them.

You Take Certain Medications

Blood thinners such as warfarin can make your gum bleed easily. Some blood pressure, anti-seizure and immune-suppressing drugs make gums grow too quickly. New gum tissue is more delicate and may bleed while brushing. Antihistamines, antidepressants, and blood pressure medicines cause dry mouth that can contribute to gum disease.

You’re Pregnant

The belly isn’t only part which swells during pregnancy. Hormone changes send more blood flow to gums; it will puff up, turn red and bleed more easily. Gums are more likely to get hit by bacteria which cause plaque and called as pregnancy gingivitis. It is important to brush and floss during these nine months. Avoid cigarettes and sweets to protect both you and your growing baby’s teeth.

You’ve Got a Blood-Clotting Problem

When you cut yourself, blood cells called platelets rush to area and form a plug over the wound to stop bleeding. Those with bleeding disorders such as von Willebrand disease and haemophilia don’t form clots as they should. Bleeding gums are a sign that you have a clotting problem. If you have it, then treatment with clotting factors will help to stop bleeding.

You Have Leukemia

It is a cancer of bone marrow in which your body makes too many abnormal while blood cells that crowd out healthy red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Without platelets blood can’t clot normally and gums may bleed. Chemotherapy drugs used to treat leukemia can lower platelet count and cause bleeding gums.

Your Dentures Don’t Fit

Although they let you eat your favorite foods and give you back a natural smile, if they don’t fit then they can slide around in mouth and rub painfully against your gums. Hold warm compress against gums and rinse your mouth with salt water to heal the sores and bring down swelling. To get your dentures refitted, see your dentist as soon as you can.

You’ve Got Diabetes

It can make harder for body to fight off bacteria in the mouth causing plaque. Gum bleeding during brushing or flossing is a sign that diabetes has lead to gum disease.

You’re Stressed Out

Stress affects more than mental state and has long lasting effects on your physical health as well. When you are stressed, the body make chemicals which lead to inflammation and gum disease. When you are upset, you tend to eat more sweets, smoke or drink alcohol that is unhealthy habits which encourage growth of bacteria in the mouth.

You Have Cirrhosis

Gum bleeding is a sign of cirrhosis that causes scarring of the liver.

Bleeding Gums Run in Your Family

If your family members have unhealthy gums, then you might inherit genes that make you more likely to have it. You can reverse the process by taking good care of your gums and teeth and regular checkups with your dentist.

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