Why Are Top Companies Still Sticking with Ruby on Rails?

Posted on the 29 August 2022 by Botreetechnologeis @botreetech

Airbnb offers accommodation reservations to users in 200+ countries. It connects travelers with a host who wants to rent their apartment or even rooms for a specific period. In 2020, over 2 million people were staying with Airbnb every night. The solution uses Ruby on Rails for web development in its technology stack.

Javascript, PHP, and HTML were the initial technology stack of Airbnb. However, in later years, Airbnb switched to Ruby on Rails. The framework offered speedy development. Cost-effectiveness was the significant advantage of moving to Ruby on Rails.

Apart from Airbnb, companies like Shopify, Groupon, Fiverr, Goodreads, Hulu, and others use Ruby on Rails in their technology stack. Ruby on Rails web development offers strong backend development to enterprise and consumer-centric solutions.

The Current Ruby on Rails Landscape

1,088,355 websites currently use Ruby on Rails framework development. 6.43% of these websites and apps are in the computer, electronics, and technology industry.

Archiveofourown.org is the top Ruby on Rails website. It receives 434.9 million visits monthly. Ruby on Rails software development assists with scaling and handling massive traffic. Even Shopify, the leading ecommerce platform, uses Rails to handle its 300,000+ clients.

The Ruby on Rails community is huge. There are 4400 contributors on GitHub. The framework has over 130 million downloads. TIOBE Index shows that Ruby, the programming language Ruby on Rails uses, is among the top 20 most popular programming languages.

Read More: 8 Awesome Benefits of Ruby on Rails Application Development

7 Reasons Ruby on Rails is used by Top Companies

Ruby on Rails brought convention over configuration to the programming world. Developers admire the principle as it helps to avoid writing boilerplate code. It was a high-level software design paradigm switch for developers.

Good development practices are a big part of Ruby on Rails. The framework simplifies the development process. Let us look at other reasons why the top companies still choose to hire a Ruby on Rails development company.

  1. MVP Development:
    • The Ruby on Rails environment is huge. It is compatible with developing high-quality and complex applications. It offers object-oriented programming, third-party integrations, and much more. All of these features combine to create an exceptional MVP.
    • Because of the simplicity, the framework reduces time, money, and effort. MVPs are easily scalable - both horizontally and vertically. In effect, a Ruby on Rails company generally starts with creating an MVP. The agile development process helps in creating faster MVPs than other frameworks. When Twitter was a startup, the company was using Rails in its technology stack.
  2. Massive Community:
    • The community steps in to assist with any challenge developers face. Not able to integrate a gem? Get help from GitHub. There are code repositories that developers can use in their applications. The community is always ready to assist developers with any need they have.
    • Apart from that, Ruby on Rails has excellent documentation that can support the development process. Today, developers who are stuck can take assistance from other developers. There are developers who collaborate on different projects to achieve better results.
  3. Mature and Stable:
    • And finally - Ruby on Rails is a mature framework. It offers high stability during the development process. A common myth is that Ruby on Rails is dead. However, it's not true. The reality is that Rails has grown beyond its capabilities. Developers at a Ruby on Rails company have enough experience to create all kinds of solutions.
    • Today, many companies offer Ruby on Rails consulting. They evaluate the existing Rails products and provide suggestions for improvements. Ruby on Rails migration is highly popular as companies move from an older version of Rails to a newer one.
Read More: Why is Ruby on Rails our Preferred Framework for Web Applications?

Wrapping Up

Ruby on Rails was at its peak a couple of years ago. However, that doesn't mean it's dead now. The framework is still a popular choice at every Ruby software development company. Its power, speed, reliability, and scalability make it a perfect choice for both enterprise and consumer-centric applications. However, utilizing Rails in the technology stack requires the assistance of experts and experienced developers due to its maturity.

BoTree Technologies, a leading Ruby on Rails enterprise software development company, has developers with 10+ years of experience. We offer a dedicated team of Ruby on Rails developers for enterprise projects.

Consult us today for your next project!