Why Amazon Sucks

Posted on the 06 March 2014 by Calvinthedog

Amazon.com is shit. Their site is just garbage.

I have been to their site many times, and it simply does not work. For instance, if you look for an author’s works, it will give you one page with all the author’s works on there, but it will not list all of his works! Instead, for say Gerhard H. Stone, there will be multiple entries.

Some of his books will be listed under Gerhard H. Stone, another under G. H. Stone, another under Dr. Gerhard Stone, another under Gerhard Stone, another under Gerry Stone, etc. It’s insipid and insane. There are errors like that all through their website and they don’t even bother to fix them because they have a monopoly and they are evil. In addition to that type of error, there are many other mistakes all through the site. Truth is, the sit

I thought about this a long time. I mean, this company makes money hand over foot, but they care so little about their website and customer experience that they leave it up with so many errors that it looks like it was designed by little children. I thought, “These guys are swimming in dollars. Why don’t they fix their site?” Answer: They don’t care. They don’t want to fix it. Fixing the site is a “cost,” and modern capitalism is all about keeping costs down. Anyway they are beating the competition as it is, so why fix anything?

But what about customer experience? Answer: Libertarian assholes don’t give two flying fucks about consumers. The consumer is there to be screwed. The harder you screw the consumer, the more money you make. The better you make your customer experience, the less profits you make.

So I decided that Jeff Bezos does not give a toss about me, his customer. He presents me with a a shit website full of stupid errors that he refuses to fix because he’s too cheap, and then if I don’t like it, “He laughs and says, ‘So go somewhere else, Lindsay! LOL!” And you know what I think? I think, “Fuck you, Jeff Bezos. Fuck you.”

Fuck Amazon.com!

Plus look how they treat their workers.

Jeff Bezos is a monster of a human being. He’s a Libertarian. Libertarians are human monsters, people without souls.