Why 2012 Wasn’t So Bad

Posted on the 31 December 2012 by Thepoliticalidealist @JackDarrant

In this decade of austerity and in the midsts of what will probably be a triple-dip recession, a lot of us look at the political world and find a lot more to be depressed about than is perhaps healthy. But it’s not all bad news. In keeping with the “year in review” cliché, I will present ThePoliticalIdealist.Com’s Reason’s To Be Cheerful about 2012:

  1. Near global success for centre-left parties. Barack Obama saw off the absurd Republican challenger Mitt Romney and his would-be Veep Paul “Granny Starver” Ryan, ensuring that the US will avoid damaging fiscal contraction and the resulting social decline for another four years. France elected Francois Hollande as its new Socialist president, who has put people before premature deficit reduction.
  2. As of September, we no longer have to spend any more time trying to ignore the Jubilymipcs. Sportphobic Republic supporters rejoice!
  3. On that note, it was funny watching George Osborne getting booed at that ceremony, wasn’t it?
  4. In the London elections, though we are still stuck with Boris Johnson until 2016, we saw London Labour offer a wonderful progressive policy platform including loans for childcare costs, rent controls, lower transport costs and more. Let’s hope they stick to that plan but choose an electable candidate next time. Also, the Green Party established itself as the third party in the capital.
  5. Still fewer people like the Liberal Democrats.
  6. Ed Miliband proved his worth and ideological fibre as leader of “One Nation” Labour.
  7. The Occupy movement continued to overcome a number of difficulties to challenge the unacceptable face of capitalism. We are the 99% indeed.
  8. Silvio Berlosconi is miles from political power, and liable to finally be held to account.
  9. Burma has taken a few tentative steps towards democracy, with Aung San Suu Kyi‘s long overdue election to Parliament.
  10. Rupert Murdoch, Whatshername Brooks, Bob Diamond and the Chiefs of Google and Amazon were hauled before various Select Committees and inquiries  and given hell. Fantastic.
  11. In June, the world was substantially improved when a certain blog was founded. This astonishingly successful blog is written by somebody particularly smart, talented and wonderful… (No, I’m making myself sick now!).
  12. I discovered the blogosphere, with a lot of similarly interesting people in it!

And on that note, I wish you all a happy new year.