Whose to Blame for Chicago's Bloody 4th of July Weekend?

Posted on the 08 July 2014 by Mikeb302000

Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy
Huffington Post
After a violent holiday weekend during which 11 people were killed and more than 60 others were wounded in shootings -- two of the deaths and five of the woundings at the hands of police officers -- Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said Monday that the city's gun sentencing laws aren't strict enough to help police stem city violence. "It all comes down to these guns: there's too many guns coming in and too little punishment going out," McCarthy said in a Monday press conference. In a news release, McCarthy noted police have seized over 3,300 illegal firearms so far this year, but said many gun offenders quickly return to the street because sentences for those caught carrying illegally are too lax. "Our efforts will continue unabated until all Chicagoans gain the same sense of security, but better laws are needed to reduce the proliferation of illegal guns in our communities," Chicago's top cop continued. It's simple.  As McCarthy said, the problem is the "proliferation of illegal guns" which all come from lawful gun owners who fail to secure them properly in the home or allow them to flow into the criminal world in other ways.