
By Blairbarnes

So any other servers with exp in a Steakhouse will remember this
little question. “Can you cut into your steak to make sure it got
cooked properly,” or something along those lines. I’m bringing 2
steaks out to an interracial (black man/white women) and the steaks
work cooked Well done and Medium accordingly. I asked them the basic
“Can you Cut your steak question” question and the man replied with
“Oh yeah, dark and burnt, just like the color of my skin.” We laughed
and I looked at the lady and said “then you must be must be hot, pink,
and juicy because that’s how….” Before I finished talking I realized
what I said. Coldest stare I have ever received in my life. He looked
at me and said, “I think you should walk away.”

- Walsh