'Whodathunkit'? Well, Everyone, Really!

By Davidduff

Not too much time this morning because I'm off to visit an old friend in hospital.  However, the Daily Mail has the least surprising headline I have read in years:

Official: We can't trust crime figures

Apparently the Office for National Statistics took one look at police statistics, held its nose and then blew a long raspberry!  Is there anyone in the country with more than the basic minimum of three brain cells who has ever believed police crime figures?  If so, please do get in touch, I have a very nice, one elderly lady owner Cortina for sale with only 12 thou' on the clock!

Along with that slimy geezer who used to run the NHS, I would suggest that your average Chief Constable is even more dodgy than your average second-hand car dealer, than which, etc, etc.  Is it any wonder that we continue to see examples of the 'Plod on the beat' lying through their teeth when their lords and masters set the example for them to follow.

Well, I must be off now, and if some copper pulls me over for speeding there could be trouble!