Who the Fuck is Colion Noir of the NRA?

By Therealmcteag @therealmcteag

Recent weeks have seen the emergence of a new toxic NRA talking head calling himself Colion Noir.

The first things we ever hear in the non Gun Nut world is some strange and crazy thoughts that are hard to figure out.

Like all NRA spokespeople he never misses a chance to undermine faith in the police and puff about armed citizenry being the only REAL law enforcement. He’s sort of good at weaving anti-law enforcement themes and anti-media screeds. He also knows how to talk to any one group of people and have them walk away more divided and intolerant of other peoples ideas then when before he opens his mouth

When a black police officer shot and killed a black guy named Philando Castile right in front of his girlfriend and her 4 year old daughter Noir uncorked a wild but inventive stream of consciousness real-time Gaslighting and blameshifting. He was quick defend the guns involved. In fact, if Noit is to be believed, the problem wasnt that Castile was armed; or thatthe voluntary revelation of Castile being armed freaked the cop out so badly he kills the guy in a cold panic , it was the media.

Here’s the insane quote-

“because of the negative stereotype reinforced in the media about black men and guns, it wouldn’t completely surprise me if Yanez felt more threatened by Philando because he was black.”

So in other words, Black people have been conditioned to fear black people? Does anyone want to really throw a blanket statement of such ignorance an entire race? (hint- Collins Iyare Idehen Jr. does!) Extra points for insincerely using the victims first name to seem more genuine.

Im just gonna say it- Colion Noir seems like he is some sort self hating black guy and he plays the role well. Whether he’s a method actor saying what plays well to the NRA crowd or totally putting everyone on for some easy bucks is anyones guess.

Love him or hate him lets all appreciate the Golden Fuckin Thing Noir’s holding on to- he’s getting paid to make a pretty insane case. That more guns is the answer. That guns can’t possibly be bad and Professional Law Enforcement is never good.

A pretty good dissembler with a distaste for children and a great nom d’ plume he’s as toxic as Loathsome Dana Loesch

Heres some quick facts –

  • born in Houston, Texas in 1983 or 84. Wikipedia’s just not sure.  (lets see the birth certificate!)
  • birth name – Collins Iyare Idehen Jr.
  • He’s got a JD from Thurgood Marshall School of Law
  • So obviously he’s an attorney
  • Starts off as an internet flake talking and shooting guns on Youtube to 600k plus thinking-averse subscribers
  • his parents only child
  • Seems to be favoring an Armed Citizenry and I guess posses instead of having regular cops
  • Fond of fitted baseball caps
  • Wants teachers to pack heat
  • Never served in the military despite always being photographed holding an assault rifle
  • Parents immigrated from Nigeria
  • Part of the 3 Headed NRA Hydra of Lies along with Dana Loesch and Wayne LaPierre
  • apparently hates the Stoneman Douglas Survivors
  • Makes his money bashing children
  • A personality on “I don’t wanna watch it but I’m gonna have to to blog it” NRA TV
  • Seems like Heavily Armed Anarchy is his preferred view of America’s future

Colion Noir gettin’ ready for one of his Guns N Teachers Shows

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