Who Taught That Voodoo That You Do?

By Principessagabriella @Gabriella31691

Ciao people!,

   So, this outfit is a result of me not wanting to get overly dressed up to go to work so I could be comfy, while still wanting tome sparkle and interesting aspects to my outfit.  I went with an all neutral brown color palette.  This shirt is a kinda baggy sweatshirt but with sparkles on the sleeves!  I wore my cheetah print jeggings to match and add a fun print.  That’s all for now!  I’m saving overly wordy posts for later, when I’m inspired or want to share a short story.  I must get on that eventually…not enough time in the day. 








Title: from Alexz Johnson’s “Voodoo”

   ♥♥ Xoxo Gabriella

cheetah print jeans sequin sweatshirt