Who Says There Are Limits? Kanya Sesser Says, Even with NO Leg, There Are NO LIMITS!!!

By Lifestreasury
Who says there are Limits? Kanya Sesser Says, even with NO leg, there are NO LIMITS!!!
Kanya Sesser is one lady that watching her video got me almost in tears. She is a model, a surfer, an actor and lots more. Kanya does not have legs to move but then she does not need support. She learnt how to do things on her own. Without her legs she got herself to be a face model, she got herself to be a surfer and lots more.
So what then is your limit? What have you been told will stop you from moving ahead in life? What is limiting you from living your dreams? Why have you decided to set a limit for yourself when there really are no limits?.
Until you begin to put to use every obstacle you see ahead of you, they will only end up stopping you from completing your journey in life.
The obstacles must come, but you have to learn to sail through them, you have to learn to fly through and you have to learn to drive through them.
Life is like going on a journey either by road, by air or by sea. There are bumps in every ride, but you do not stop when you see a bump, you rather learn to drive through them and head for your destination.
We should apply same principles to our daily life, you are the sailor, pilot and chauffeur (driver) of your life. God is the mastermind behind the creation of your method of transportation and he has trained you to learn how to overcome the bumps on every ride. Do not let the bumps stop you, because you have a destination ahead of you and you must get there.
So say to yourself today, I AM THE DRIVER, PILOT AND SAILOR of my journey and I have to drive well because if I crash, I crash alone and if I stop I will never make it to my destination.
I can only be a co-driver,co-pilot and co-sailor and I sure will be glad to help with that, but you control the wheels, I can only support, so does everyone around you support. Until you start your journey no body will understand that you even have a journey. Do not allow anyone tell you about the obstacles in life and scare the thoughts on your inside because now you know you can go through.
I tell you today, there are no Limits in life. You only get limited to what you feel you cannot handle.
What really has life got that you cannot handle?
Nobody can make you see the best in yourself, only YOU can.
Lets watch Kanya Sesser as she speaks about No Legs, No Limits.
It's up to you. Make that decision today and tell yourself, THERE ARE NO LIMITS.
Are you ready to live a limitless life?
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