Who's Your Daddy? Big Daddy!

By Mustachio @mustachio2011
When a big yellow bus comes barreling down the road, do you:
A. get out of its way
B. run after it
C. meet it head on
I, first, would get out of its way. Second, run after it. Then, third, meet it head on, or maybe meet it on the passenger side door to place my order. That's only if the big yellow bus is Big Daddy, the food truck offering burgers, hotdogs, pasta, and milkshakes.
This very American concept is Creative Cuisine's newest member of the family. He joins his Chinese brother (Big Mao), Filipino sister (Chikaan), and mother baker of unknown descent, Kaffee Alde, in serving Cebu culinary delights.
Busy flipping burgers and grilling hotdogs
As much as I would like to try everything on the menu (this is Creative Cuisine, after all, and I expect everything to be tasty), my stomach can only accept half a burger, half of the pasta, a piece of leche fritos, and bits and pieces of my neighbor's food. 
From left to right: leche fritos, gambas pasta, and Tokyo Sun burger.Not in photo: peanut butter milkshake and Big Daddy fries
The gambas pasta (Php 210) was perfect. The Tokyo Sun burger (Php 160) was generously sprinkled with nori (I love nori). The peanut butter milkshake (Php 130) was indeed peanut butter...just through a straw...but I think only peanut butter lovers would appreciate this. Leche fritos (fried milk!) seemed a bit weird to me. Like the peanut butter milkshake, the leche fritos isn't for everyone. Big Daddy fries (Php 70) were crisp shoestring fries (I expected it to be fat floppy fries...blame it on that adjective attached to its name).
I managed to try all of these by coming up with a not so brilliant idea: to share with a friend...and a stranger (aka the "neighbor" previously mentioned). I stood beside a stranger and offered him my food. While he tried the pasta and the leche fritos (but avoided my saliva-laced burger), I sneakily got some of his Big Daddy fries. When he left the table, I bravely continued reaching for the fries. But he came back and caught me red handed with greasy fingers and a mouthful of fries. I grinned (with, I imagine, shoestring fries sticking through my teeth) and sheepishly said, "I ate your fries. Now, who's your daddy?"
To know Big Daddy's whereabouts, follow him on:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bigdaddytruck
Twitter: @bigdaddy_truck
For corporate functions and private events with the truck, call Creative Cuisine Gourmet Group at (032) 511-5410.