Who’s Up For Some Doctor Who?

By Lindsay James @leavelindzalone

Recently I went on a huge Doctor Who kick. And I mean HUGE. In fact, it is still going. It started with getting Netflix and starting to watch the reboot of the series (circa 2005) with Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor and it just continued from there. I’m only on season 3 but I am so pumped up for the 50th anniversary special on November 23rd it is quite ridiculous. With the trailers and mini-sodes leading up to it?! (Yes, I know that was quite a real sentence.) Oh man I am so excited. I would be even more excited if my hometown was one of the cities where they are showing the anniversary special in theaters, but alas it is not the case. I will be settling for a commercial-free showing on the Space channel, which is still fine by me as long as I get to see it.

I had hoped to be caught up to the end of season 7 before the special, but I have now resigned myself to the fact that it’s not going to happen especially with only a week left.
I don’t think I will be able to manage getting through three and a half seasons before next Saturday… At least not unless I take time off work and everything else I need to get done each day! Unfortunately I can’t do that but I sure can dream! I will continue on with catching up after the special. So far though, I think the 10th Doctor is my favorite..

I have a feeling this kick isn’t just a temporary thing. I think it is here to stay. I have taken to looking at Doctor Who collectibles as well. And being the tea lover I am also I found the perfect one. A TARDIS teapot exists! I MUST have it! I have a hope that there may be one under the Christmas tree for me this year… My fingers are crossed!

Do any of you like Doctor Who? Who is your favorite doctor?