Who's a Big Boy?

By Babyjandbean
Time flies.
Bean turned two on Monday. And we had a small family gathering on Sunday to celebrate. He's obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba right now so he was especially excited to see all of the decorations and the cake.

I was super excited this year because he is now able to eat "real" birthday cake - no gluten free/dairy free/soy free/egg free substitute. He enjoyed looking at it but wasn't interested in tasting it. At all.
That's ok though because he really enjoyed interacting with his family and friends. And he was much more excited about gifts this year. He had his brother help him open packages and got really excited to see what was hidden inside.
His "big" gift from my Husband and me was a mini trampoline. He loves bouncing. It's calming for him. And I have noticed several Williams syndrome moms suggesting trampolines. His occupational therapist thought it was a great idea and would give him some great input and it might even help settle him down in the evenings to help with sleep.

It took him a bit to figure it out. At first, he just sat on his bottom and bounced that way. But after watching his brother take a short turn, he knew just what to do. 

The trampoline is a huge hit with both kids and they are spending a lot of time on it every day.
I am spending my time wondering where the past two years went. 
Bean's first two years were anything but easy. Between getting the Williams syndrome diagnosis, endless doctor and therapy appointments, the delays, sleepless nights, food issues, reflux, endless crying, and constant need for mommy comfort, the first two years seemed to drag on. And on. And on. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that there were days that I wished time would speed up and things would get easier.
Looking back, though, it really did fly by. If I had a time machine, I would go back and really appreciate every moment - even the tough ones. 
I am so proud of all that Bean has accomplished. He's a toddler now. He walks, plays, (tries to) run and jump. His personality is exploding and he is just so much fun. My sweet baby is a big boy now.
Here's to taking this next year slowly and really enjoying everything...