Who Really Owns the Rainbow?

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Is the public swallowing a real Whopper?

We drive past a number of Unitarian churches that fly a rainbow flag out front. I haven’t asked them, but a quick search brought me to this page:

Unitarian Universalist Rainbow Principles

  • Respect All Beings
  • Offer Fair and Kind Treatment
  • Yearn to Learn
  • Grow in Spirit and Mind
  • Believe in Your Ideas and Act on Them
  • Insist on Peace, Freedom and Justice
  • Value the Connections in All Creation

All well and good, but a look at a related Facebook page, Rainbow Unitarians, reveals the real reason for the rainbow on their churches is their connection to the LGBTQ lifestyles.

So, the Unicornitarians are the all inclusive alternative to the closed minded Christian churches. They embrace everyone. They love to adorn their SUVs with bumper stickers that declare, COEXIST, and defend the misunderstood jihadists among us.

The obvious foolishness of COEXIST (what with that nasty beheading, cannibalism, genocide thing) requires that someone remain around to clean up after the noble aspirations of the Unicornitarians and their mythical  beasties.

A Horse of a Different Color

And then, in an effort to pander to a disgruntled minority, we see the Reverend Jesse Jackson promoting his Rainbow Push Coalition, and equating the struggles of the African American community to the suffering of the LGBT-TGI-Fridays gender blending people.

So race-bating charlatans have joined the parade, and actively encourage the poor disenfranchised LGBT-BLT_WHATEVER people in their pursuit of a world filled with peace, love and understanding.

Peace Love and Understanding: Exceptions

There will be no peace, love or understanding extended to:

  • Pro-Life Roman Catholics
  • Pro-Life Jews
  • Pro-Life Evangelicals
  • Constitutional Conservatives
  • (special consideration will be extended to Jihadist Muslims)

 Intelectual Copyrights Question

All this lovingness aside, there remains an unanswered question:
Who owns the right to use the rainbow as a branding image? 

And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
– Genesis 9:13-16

So we have now established the true ownership of the rainbow, the Creator of the ends of the Earth. Now stop right there. I know what you’re thinking:

“Hey! It’s time we sue the heck out of the LGBT-XYZ Unicornitarians, for copyright infringement!”

But a suit is already in the works. There’s no need to waste energy on it. The Copyright Holder is planning on collecting triple damages…
