WHO Chief, Taliban Discuss ‘dire’ Afghan Health Crisis

Posted on the 12 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday he had met the Minister of Health in a Taliban-led government in Afghanistan for talks about the "terrible" health and humanitarian crisis in the country.

Who was the head of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus revealed that he met Qalander Ebad for the conversation on Tuesday.

Ebad was part of the Taliban delegation visited Geneva for a week of talks with non-governmental institutions and institutions on humanitarian access and human rights, when Afghan's new ruler expanded their international involvement.

The Taliban movement returned to power in Kabul in mid-August because the United States ended the 20-year war in Afghanistan.

Since then, Afghanistan has fallen into financial chaos, with inflation and unemployment soaring, while stopping US assistance and sanctions have triggered a humanitarian crisis in a country that has been destroyed in the decade of war.

Tedro had met Ebad during his visit to Kabul on September 2021 after the Taliban takeover.

"Despite some improvements since then, the health situation in Afghanistan is still terrible and the acute humanitarian crisis continues to place life at risk," Tedros said.

He said they discussed health needs in the country, strengthen the system, emergency preparedness and train health workers, where central women.

Acute needs in Afghanistan are to provide diagnostics to detect Covid-19 viruses, and especially Omicron, because the number of cases is increasing," Tedros said.

The Taliban delegation represents what he calls the Afghan Islamic Emirates (IEA), is in Switzerland at the invitation to call Geneva, who works to protect civilians during the conflict.

This foundation held a conference in Afghanistan behind closed doors from Monday to Friday, aiming to increase the provision of countless humanitarian assistance in this country.

Tedros said who supports the Covid-19 response in Afghanistan, as well as the polymatic and measles immunization campaign.

The Taliban delegation represents what he calls the Afghan Islamic Emirates (IEA), is in Switzerland at the invitation to call Geneva, who works to protect civilians during the conflict.

This foundation held a conference in Afghanistan behind closed doors from Monday to Friday, aiming to increase the provision of countless humanitarian assistance in this country.

Tedros said who supports the Covid-19 response in Afghanistan, as well as the polymatic and measles immunization campaign.

The increase in humanitarian assistance and an increase in human rights in Afghanistan was on the agenda of talks held by talks in the Norwegian capital.