Who Are You?

By Artbycedar

I’m always curious about who is out there reading my words.  Blog stats are just numbers and don’t tell me anything about the actual people who found their way here and subscribed.

I’d like to think a big percentage of my readers are other artists, perhaps people who feel they can learn something from my experience or (one can hope!) draw inspiration from my thoughts about art and work.  It would be very exciting if there were also a few “more advanced” artists than myself who are following me–perhaps older people further along in their careers who have a supportive spirit of community and an interest in seeing where a younger artist is going in the world.

I’d like to think that some of my readers are people who, while not artists themselves, nonetheless have an appreciation and a passion for cultivating art and beauty in their lives.  Perhaps these people are art collectors, perhaps not.  But I imagine their homes to be beautiful and full of color, books, and laughter.

I’d like to think that I attract people who have things in common with me–perhaps some of my readers love being in nature, exploring the great outdoors or even just tending some tomato and basil plants in the summer.  Perhaps there are some “health nuts” who eat local and organic food and practice yoga or go jogging.  Perhaps some of my readers are spiritual people who believe in the power of positive thinking and the ability to transform their lives through enthusiasm and love.  Perhaps some of my readers have busy, bustling homes full of children and pets, love their families above all else and wouldn’t have it any other way.  Perhaps some of you are quite nerdy (and I mean that only in a good way!)

Maybe I’m way off base and I would be truly surprised to find out who some of my readers are.  I don’t know…but I’d love to hear from you regardless!