Who Are the Real Patriots?

By Fsrcoin

The Albany Times-Union this morning published my letter-to-the-editor (slightly edited). Here is my unfiltered text:

Jay Jochnowitz’s 6/25 commentary*, “Let’s reclaim the word ‘patriot,'” sketched many of the reasons why I too love America and feel patriotic. As distinguished from the chest-thumping self-declared “patriotism” of today’s American right. And what struck me is that those folks do not actually love this country. In fact they seem to hate it.

At least they hate America as it really is. What they love is a misguided fantasy America that does not exist, and never did. Fortunately.

In comparison against most of humanity’s history, this is an oasis of goodness. For which, unlike the global norm, certain ideals and principles are central. Ideals which, despite human imperfection, we’ve striven toward. Ideals of which few of those “patriots” have a clue. My America is the very antithesis of the homogenized, exclusionary enclave of white Christian nationalism they fantasize.

Their so-called “patriotism” is embodied in the flag so many of them flaunt — a flag of rebellion against the America of true ideals, a flag standing for the brutal subjugation of human beings in slavery. Nothing could be more at odds with the America I love.

These “patriots” showed their true colors on January 6, 2021, by trying to overthrow a democratic election. (No, it wasn’t “stolen.”)

And surely no genuine patriot would vote to disgrace their country with a despicable leader like Trump whose every pore reeks vileness. Their perversion of patriotism is insane.

* Here’s a link to it: https://www.timesunion.com/opinion/article/jay-jochnowitz-let-s-reclaim-word-patriot-18166395.php