Who Are Our Class Enemies in America?

Posted on the 02 December 2016 by Calvinthedog

James Schipper: You shouldn’t regard all rich people as your enemies. It is only the plutocratic rich who are the enemies of ordinary people. Rich people who are willing to pay high taxes, treat their employees fairly, do not finance plutocratic causes, and invest most of their money in their own country are alright. Rich people who have a sense of noblesse and some commitment to their own country should be applauded. It is globalist plutocrats who are the enemies.

Trump has filled his Administration with nationalist, anti-globalist rich people. These are better than the Globalists like Clinton and Obama? Hell, give me the Globalists any day!

The Rich Ruling Class Oligarchs are our class enemies. The Progressive Rich, and there are some, are not. But the New York Times/Time Magazine/Newsweek Jewish Corporate Democrat Media Rich are almost as bad as the oligarchs. And so are the Wasserman-Shultz/Clinton/DNC types. Both of them are pretty much part of the Oligarchy themselves. These Corporate Democrats are just poison. Now that Hillary is gone, can we retire this Clinton Family that ran our party into the ground by pretending the be the Republican Party Lite?

In fact, I believe people like the Sulzbergers/Clintons/Wasserman-Shultzes are as much a part of the oligarchy as the Kochs. These rich Corporate Democrats are poison.

PS Just how many rich people are progressive in the US? It’s not that common, is it? I agree though that the Hollywood Crowd or the Entertainment Industry Rich are not our enemies. In fact, they are probably our allies. But once they get in power, how many US Rich do not govern in their class interests and opposed to ours? About 0%

I don’t trust the Rich, any of them, to run the country. They’ve been running the country into the ground governing in their class interests since Reagan and I am sick and tired of it.

I agree with you though. Our enemy is the Ruling Class, the Oligarchs. And that does not include the Progressive Rich.