Whither Boomers?

Posted on the 18 August 2018 by Morage @kebmebms

Personally, I see a lot of postings online, advertisements, promoting living abroad for retirement. (Yeah, I know. It's coming up, for better and worse). Just a few examples:

How to Retire Abroad

Best Places to Retire in 2018  

Annual Global Retirement Index

The 10 Best Places to Retire Overseas in 2018

4 under-the-radar countries 

where you can retire for cheap

5 Cheap Places To Retire Abroad

And check this out. Even AARP is pointing the way.

Top Ten Countires to Retire - AARP

And the thing is, I get the feeling a bunch of us Boomers are going to go be expats in other nations like Mexico, Belize and yes, as shown in the picture above, Portugal. Check out the reasons:
--The dollar goes further  --Health care isn't as absurdly, obscenely expensive  --There isn't as much wealth inequality in other nations and finally, a big factor is that  --No other nation has as many guns and shootings and killings as we do in the US
One more thing. Better, older, saved architecture. 
Oh. Another. The food. Frequently in these places, great food.
I see a LOT of us leaving.