Whites Only Laundromat

Posted on the 06 February 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

4 days ago, I did a post on a startling scene in an Atlanta strip mall, wherein the mall’s black on-site manager, Darrien Long, was subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse by two adult black women and their black out-of-control kids. When one of the women escalated the abuse from verbal to physical by shoving Long, he deployed a taser on the woman. (See “Embattled Atlanta strip mall manager tasers out-of-control black mom,” Feb. 2, 2013.)

I confessed my bewilderment about the incident — why the black kids hurled racial (and gay) slurs at the black manager, and why after the incident, the black manager was threatened by black patrons of the mall.

A black reader, Favstarr01, wrote a nasty comment accusing me of racism!

BTW, “Favstarr01,” if you’re wondering why you don’t see that offensive comment of yours (or any of your previous comments), that’s because they’ve been deleted. You are banned from FOTM, a privately-owned blog that is under no obligation to publish your (or anyone’s) comments. Nothing in the Constitution says we must subject ourselves to your (or anyone’s) verbal abuse.

Here’s a hilarious video that uses humor to show how, under the Left’s Tyranny of Political Correctness, any and everything we say and do can and do become “racist.”

We might as well surrender ’cause the choo-choo train of Political Correctness is always at least one step ahead of ya!

But then, PC is designed to be that way.

It’s called mind-f*ck or, in polite company, tyranny.

Racism is the favorite weapon of the Left. Simply scream “racism!” and all other views immediately become invalid.

H/t FOTM’s Miss May
