Racism, and discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities, is still a major problem in the United States -- but sadly, it is a problem that a majority of Whites don't want to admit even exists.
The chart above was made from a recent NBC News / Wall Street Journal Poll -- done between January 14th and 17th of a random national sample of 800 adults, with a margin of error of 3.46 points. It shows that with the swearing in of President Obama in 2009, all three groups (Whites, Blacks, Hispanics) showed a significant rise in the percentage believing citizens in this country were now more likely to be judged by their character rather than their color (i.e., race/ethnicity).
But a lot has happened since then -- including the rise of new racist groups like the teabaggers, the more vocal return of old white-supremacist groups, and new evidence that Blacks (and other minorities) are not treated fairly by our justice system (including many police departments). The minorities have noticed this, but it seems that Whites have not (or don't want to admit it)>
Since the inaugural of President Obama, Hispanic and Black percentages have been going down, and are now back at pre-inaugural levels. But a significant majority of Whites (59%) still believe in a color-blind America. How can this be? How is it that Whites can't see the rather obvious racial problems that still exist in this country?
The chart below (from a September 2014 Public Religion Research Institute American Values Survey) gives us a big clue. That survey was only done of Whites (both overall and in the individual groups), and it shows that a majority of Whites in the United States now believe in the ridiculous idea of "reverse racism" -- the idea that Whites in America are now discriminated against as much as minorities are. I think too many Whites are eager to believe this because it gives them a reason, however unjustified, to excuse their own inaction against racism in this country.
Of course, "reverse racism" doesn't exist. Whites just don't like the idea that White Privilege is starting to disappear, and now they must compete on a more even footing with majorities for jobs and other things. And when they lose that competition, they don't want to admit the minority was more qualified or smarter or more experienced or more deserving. It is easier and more ego-inflating to think they were discriminated against.
As long as Whites are willing to believe in a myth like "reverse racism", and that the elimination of White Privilege is somehow discrimination against them, we won't make much more progress in getting rid of racism in this country. Whites are not victims, and they are not being discriminated against because they are white. A lot of Whites need to grow up and realize -- giving other equal rights does not take away from any rights we have. Equal rights is not a zero sum game.